2009年4月7日 星期二

Functional Grammar of English Group 7


文法書中對於”die of ” 和 “die from” 有明確的用法規範。各家參考書對於此文法規定雖有大致相同的概念,然而解釋的詳略程度有所差異,造成學生使用上有所困惑。所以我們希望使用語料來了解”die of ” 和 “die from”在語言於實境中的使用方式。




1. 實際語用中,”die from” 真的使用於外在原因,而”die of”只限使用於內在原因中嗎?

2. 萬一無法區分內在或外在原因(例如問句),我們該使用”die of”或是”die from”?

3. 內在和外在原因的區別有主觀認定的差異。

★BNC corpus:



1. 各家文法書中提到die from 後是接外在原因(受傷)而die of後是接內在原因(疾病)。然而在die of和 die from 各五十條的corpus中,die of 有24個後面接疾病,而die from則有26個。文法書的規則與實際語料庫所呈現的數據並不相同。

2. 文法書中寫道die from是外在原因,如意外傷害。然而在五十條corpus中,我們只發現到兩條是用於外在受傷。

CHJ 879 It's rare for a human to die from an adder bite, but it has happened.

CJ3 1519 In the Indian subcontinent, where large numbers of people work on the land, it is estimated that many thousands of people die from snake bites every year.

FNY 223 And many more died from accidents; I saw a hundred children die from fire.

3. 文法書中寫道die of 是屬於內在原因,如情緒或是飢餓。在真實語料中,我們發現不論是emotion或是hunger都有die of和die from 的使用


KCA 666 die of embarrassment I would.

AD9 1183 Tammuz had been so gentle that there'd hardly been any pain, expertly coaxing each orifice to orgasm until Zambia felt SHe must die from sensory overload.


HH1 5364 I presume serfs are still living there and I'd rather break in than see innocent people die of hunger while --;'; hunger06

GT1 627 By May 1913 it was expected that Emmeline Pankhurst would die from hunger and thirst strikes.

4. 從我們所篩選出die of和 die from 各五十條的corpus中,其中有四個問句形式,是以die of 出現,而die from 並沒有以問句形式中出現。

AT1 443 On a song like `;What Did Your Last Servant Die Of?'

B7L 2388 Have you any statistics to show what hackers die of?

FRK 241 `;What did she die of, Workhouse?

FY4 304 I have been accused, too, of saying that, You tell your Doctor, I'd know what you, I knew what you'd die of, because they had their own things, their own pet hobbyhorses.

5. 然而在die of的五十項搜尋結果中,有十二項無法明確認定是以外在或內在原因所造成,因此我們將之歸類於vague的範圍內。

G5T 172 Er I don't know how many people die of stress related diseases but it's probably under a hundredth.

FU4 897 I can see a marriage that is not a marriage and a parson who is not a parson, and you will die of your first child.

而在die from的五十項搜尋結果中,有三項無法明確認定是以外在或內在原因所造成,因此我們將之歸類於vague的範圍內。

ASY 6 No one will die from lack of education as he will from lack of food or basic health care.

CA3 2928 I will not die from this, she thought.

6. 下列數據來自於BNC 語料庫,由其中隨機選取“die from” 與 “die of”各五十個句子來做分析統計。您的瀏覽器可能無法支援顯示此圖片。


1. 由以上所整理的資料可明確發現,”die of”和”die from”的用法並無明顯以內在或外在原因來區分的文法規定。事實上在語料庫中,”die of”和”die from”使用範疇大部分是重疊可以混用的。

2. 在語料庫所搜尋的資料中,我們發現到有四項語料使用”die of”作為問句形式,而”die from”無。所以我們推定問句形式以”die of”為主,”die from”不適用作為問句形式,其主因可能是因為”die from”發音較”die of”重,故以上揚語調為主的疑問句採用”die of”頻率較高。另一可能原因是,”from”多用於問人來自何處,若用在詢問原因上較易令聽者誤解語意。

3. 由語料庫的資料顯示,文法書的規則無全然套用在實境語用的情境裡。


溫德枝 編著(2003)。現代英文文法(下)。台北:文鶴。

陳啟賢、陳明亮 編著(2003)。活用圖解英文法。台北:建宏。

陳森榮、侯永川、洪國賓 編著(2002)。精簡英文法。台北:金麟。


You’ve done a very good job!



Functional Grammar of English Group

Topic: 與現在事實相反之條件句

Observation and question:

學習與現在事實相反之條件句時,高中老師及教材往往會特別強調不論主詞為何,即便主詞是第一人稱單數(I)或者是第三人稱單數(he/she),Be動詞皆必須使用were,而不能使用was,例如:If I were a millionaire, I would travel around the world.;但實際觀察英語為母語人士說話時,卻發現其實有些人會在主詞為I/he/she的情況下仍使用was,例如:If I was you, I wouldn’t do that.
Reference from grammar books and high school text books:
1) 三民書局 高中英文第五冊 Unit7
Pattern: S+V+ as if + S. + were/ V-ed
Example: Lisa is only a young girl, but she talks as if she were an adult.
2) 龍騰文化 高中英文第二冊 附錄一 文法篇第十單元
Example1: If a person were caught stealing salt, he would be put in jail.
Example2: If I were you, I would go abroad.
3) 龍騰文化 升大學挑戰互動式英文寫作與翻譯總複習講義
補教界名師 陳賢,陳明亮 編著
Pattern: If S+were/V-ed…,S+would+原型V
Example: If I were a bird, I would fly high in the sky.

4) 建弘出版社 活用圖解英文法 陳啟賢,陳明亮編著
If +主詞 + 1. were should
2. 過去式V 主詞+ would + 原形V
3, 過去式助動詞+原形V could
Example: If he were rich, he would buy the house.
If I were a bird, ….
If you were here, …
If he were rich, ….
5) 遠東書局 高中英文課本第二冊 教師手冊 Grammar Focus(p.104-105)
Pattern: If S+V-ed…, S +would…
說明: 本課的重點是與現在事實相反的假設語法。If 子句的動詞為過去式,
而be動詞不論任何人稱一律用 were。主要子句的動詞為助動詞過去式
(would, could, might) 接原形動詞。

Corpus findings:
(1) If I was you,…
- BNC corpus
-31 matched in 37 solutions
-10 examples:
ACV 331 As they passed through the gate into the yard, he added: `;If I was you, lad, I wouldn't be too nosey.';
ACV 2136 `;I shouldn't fret about it if I was you, son.';
BMU 1229 If I was you, I'd walk on a bit till ye gets to the Half Moon --; it's along the Overclyst road, so…';
C86 814 `;I'd keep it that way, if I was you,'; McGowan said.
C86 3117 `;I wouldn't say anything about it if I was you.';
CAT 365 When someone is rude --; a waiter, a civil servant, a politician --; she says `;Huh, if I was you I'd sue.';
CCA 578 I mean if I was you I'd just put up with it and stay in bed.
CD2 1748 I'd start lookin', if I was you, while you can.';
CDM 1630 So I'd stay away from 'er if I was you an' come an' play marbles with me like you used to do.';
CE9 1417 `;If I tell anyone that we stopped to look for a ghost, they'll laugh at me, and if I was you, I wouldn't tell your mates either.
除了從BNC語料庫中找到的例子之外,我們也在BYU-BNC British National Corpus當中發現,在使用 “If I was you…”這樣的條件句時,語料以來自於口語化的英語居多;而 “If I were you…”這樣的句子多用於寫作時的英語,比例又以撰寫小說時為居多。


BYU-BNC British National Corpus
-difference of occurring frequency between the spoken and written registers

(2) If she was…
- BNC corpus
-784 solutions found
-13 matched in 50 random selections
If she was good…
- BNC corpus
-4 solutions found
-3 matched in 4
ALH 2983 I could fancy her if she wasn't so old and a teacher.
EF1 3157 `;If she was our daughter she wouldn't be in this mess,'; Whitlock retorted.
KB6 1704 She would be most helpful if she was here.
KCN 7255 Well she'll have bloody shock if she was here in the summer then!
A74 1497 If she was here everything would be OK and Mr Jackson wouldn't want to take me away.
FAB 3005 `;If she was here now I'd tear her apart.
HJC 766 Couldn't you --;'; `;I wouldn't live on my own if she was here, would I?
AC3 2785 Maybe, if she was good, he would give it to her.
C85 1357 And yet he'd talked about giving it back if he won and if she was good to him.
FP0 44 If she was good, maybe `;soon'; would be sooner still and she could dance in the meanings….

(3) If he was…
- BNC corpus
-1407 solutions found
- 6 matched in 50 random selections
If he was here…
- BNC corpus
- 5 solutions found
- 4 matched in 5 found
A0E 295 He reveres Tagore as the great modern writer of Bengal, but he looks at him disrespectfully, as if he was applying a Brechtian alienation-effect on him.
CH5 1117 If you and your gran are as wise as you think you are, you'll be as nice to him as if he was already a member of the family.
EF1 196 Do you not think I would know if he was still alive, especially if he was living here in Beirut?';
F7W 251 If he was represented we could do it er, on the section six two.
FAB 2748 That she could see through him as if he was glass.
GVT 1710 `;If he was alive it would be just as hopeless.
AT7 1816 If he was here this minute I would feel like killing him.
HJ3 140 `;If he was here today he would be urging everyone to support the research efforts of the Foundation.';
HYC 734 My, my son'd tell you if he was here.

以往老師在批改作業或考卷時,如果學生在主詞為I的狀況下將條件句用was,老師都會改錯,並告訴學生使用 “were”才是「正確的文法」。但換個角度試想,如果有一位美國回台就學的小孩在書寫上一個不注意照說話時的用法寫下 “If I was you,…”這樣的句子時呢?就此而言,這樣的小孩若是以英語為母語,並不真正了解所謂的文法或是文法的專有名詞,能夠告訴他他從小說到大的英文是錯的嗎?
另外,雖然從語料庫的結果也顯示的確在口語的使用上was是比較頻繁的,在書寫的語料上大家就會比較注意,但是難道大家都真真實實在使用的語言會只因為它口語就不對了嗎?而所謂「正確的文法」或是「標準的語言」至今也仍舊難以定義,所以我們認為當老師在教導學生條件句時,能夠告訴同學使用 “were”是沒有錯的、是比較正式的,但是口語也的確有人會使用 “was”。
最後,其實在找尋文法書時,我們其實也發現了例外,也就是不如一般其他文法說法的,這是由Cambridge University Press出版的Basic Grammar in Use當中,在介紹與現在事實相反或不符的句型時,除了介紹使用Be動詞應當用 were之外,也同時在那之後括弧加上「或was」的字樣。

Dear all,

這裡所指出的現象,正好呼應英語自古以來所呈現的「simplification of inflections」的語言變遷方向—由I were簡化為I was。

另外一個與此呼應的變化是與過去事實相反的假設形式If I had been… 也朝向If I were…演變,而且應該已經不限於口語用法,演變速度更快,各位可以進一步探討、比較。

Functional Grammar of English Group 7


Are “need to be V-ed” and “need V-ing” constructions synonymous and perfectly interchangeable?


It’s not uncommon to find in grammar books such total equations as “The house needs to be painted. = The house needs painting.” (taken from突破高中文法句型 by 劉銘), which we used to take for granted and accepted as the way it was. However, after notions like semantic roles and prototypicality were introduced in class, we began to rethink the interchangeability of these two grammatical constructions. This report is thereby set to examine “need to be V-ed” and “need V-ing” from a functional perspective.

After browsing through some 300 search entries from an NBC search result with “needs to be” as the query, we observed that in terms of semantic roles, most entries[u1] were in the construction of “PATIENT needs to be V-ed (by AGENT)”, and derived a generalization that most patients in such a construction are [-human] and the agents are very likely to be omitted, as the instance that follows:

HHV 11617 That pattern needs to be changed now, not after the general election, to reflect the needs of industry and the county.

In this case (HHV), the semantic role of the subject is a non-human patient while the agent is unspecified, as described above. If the equation “need to be V-ed = need V-ing” holds true, then “need changing” is supposedly to be spotted in the corpus as well, and we did find some. The following are two of the retrieved entries with “needs changing” as the query:

B21 1406 It is not your partner that needs changing.

F9D 1067 All these questions can help you decide whether the ad is right or whether it needs changing.

Given these two representative entries as well as those of the first construction, we have drawn some more generalizations: Unlike the “need to be V-ed” construction, “need V-ing” constructions are realized as either “AGENT needs V-ing” or “PATIENT needs V-ing”, mostly with the agent being human (B21) and the patient non-human (F9D), respectively.[u2]

Possible Explanations:

In the first construction “PATIENT needs to be V-ed (by AGENT)”, can be viewed as, in one sense, “AGENT needs to V PATIENT” in a passive voice. Who the agent is supposed to be can be readily understood from the context or simply doesn’t need to be specified (like ‘by someone’). With the patient placed in the subject position, the agent can thus be omitted so as to achieve a minimal involvement of semantic roles. Also, the infinitive (‘to be V-ed’) suggests infinity along with changeability and is closer to the prototypicality of verbs, whereas the gerund (‘V-ing’) conveys durability and acts more like a noun. This is why in many entries where the “need to be V-ed” construction is utilized, it’s also pretty easy to discover another infinitive or a subordinate clause beginning with ‘so that’[u3] – both of which indicate the possible results after the implementation of the verb within ‘to be V-ed’, as with the red-faced portions of the following entries:

1) HHV 11617 That pattern needs to be changed now, not after the general election, to reflect the needs of industry and the county.

2) H7B 394 To be a success, personal computing needs to be done without detailed computer knowledge.

3) AM7 1317 Thus the traditional formulation of an agenda needs to be changed so that a meeting starts with clarification of purpose, agreement on timing, allocation of tasks and consolidation of process issues from previous meetings.

4) CHS 261 The delivery date for new furniture and equipment needs to be arranged so that the new site is fully operational once all the equipment and goods have been transferred.

In contrast, the gerund within ‘need V-ing’ is more like a typical noun, which is characterized as being ever-lasting. Sentences in constructions as such simply express facts or conditions and don’t usually indicate possible results as do sentences in “need to be V-ed” constructions.

1) A0J 173 Some alarms warn you when the batteries need changing by giving a special signal.

2) A3G 433 Current conference procedures are unsatisfactory, unfair, archaic and need changing.

3) H0E 1425 A plan may be designed as a five-year plan and may need changing after one year.


Based on observation of corpus entries from BNC, our conclusion is that “need to be V-ed” and “need V-ing” are not really perfectly interchangeable and do distinguish from each other in meaning under certain contexts.

Dear all,


[u1]If this is the case, then you need to provide statistics figures to support your point.

[u2]Again, we need more specific statistics figures to support the argument..

[u3]Is this the norm?—You need to give us some statistics results for stronger support.

Functional Grammar of English Group 2

Functional Grammar of English
Homework assignment 1
Source: 常春藤「文法從頭學」,賴世雄編著,2007 年初版
Questions: What’s the frequency of [curious/ worried about + whether/when /that+
nominal clause]? Do people usually place “curious/ worried about whether/ when”
before nominal clause? Can’t we use “curious about” before nominal clause that
begins with “that”?

BNC Corpus:
-curious about that
We only found one result from BNC corpus. But the sentence found ends with “that” as a
pronoun; there is no nominal clause at the back. And this proves that “curious about that”
plus nominal clause sentences is not of use.
-curious about when
no result
-curious about whether
Only one result was found.
-worried about that
In the 50 results found, there are 39 sentence end with “that” as a pronoun; 10 sentences
end with “that +N”. Only one result of “worried about that + nominal clause” was found.
-worried about when
Only one result was found.
-worried about whether
13 results of “worried about whether + nominal clause”were found in BNC Corpus.
There are still 2 results of “worried about whether + to V” be found.
已知名詞子句有三種,即「戴慧怡」是也。( page 12)
戴: that he works hard
慧: whether he’ll come
怡: when he left
名詞子句可做介詞的受詞 --僅「慧怡」適用 (page 13)
I’m worried about whether he can do it. (O)
I’m curious about when he’ll come.(O)
I’m worried about that he doesn’t study. (X)
由上得知,介詞之後若接名詞子句做受詞時,僅可使用whether 或疑問詞引導的名詞子
句;that 子句不可直接做介詞的受詞。

First, the two patterns [curious about + whether/when + nominal clause]
[worried about + when nominal clause] are rarely found in a sentence. Therefore, it is
not suitable to point them out and make them a grammar rule.
Second, the grammar rule 戴慧怡 is making this pattern more complicated and
confusing. Students cannot really understand why a sentence is structured in certain
ways by this 戴慧怡rule, which is rarely used. As for the pattern [curious/ worried
about that +nominal clause] the grammar book is right about the pattern’s
ungrammaticality. However, we are wondering is it right to say “that 子句不可直接做
介詞的受詞”, and why? We don’t know how to answer this question and we hope that
Professor Li could give us some instruction. 

超越巔峰 英文文法書 (朱才金 文笙書局)
In “超越巔峰 英文文法書,” the author equates the above two patterns without
further explanation or limitations. However, based on our knowledge of English
grammar, we found the rule unreasonable (to some extent). Therefore, we decided to
search in the corpus to find out the validity of this rule. We especially want to discuss
whether the validity of this rule will vary because of different verbs for Vpp and Ving.
BNC Corpus (Results):
1. need (Appendix I)
To examine the validity of the rule, we chose BNC as our corpus and used “need to
be” as the keyword to search for possible verbs. After finding the verbs, we used each
verb, combining with “need to be”, to search for the total number of “need to be +
Vpp” form of each verb. Then we typed in “need + Ving”, examined the data and
deleted irrelevant sentences. The details are shown in the appendix. All in all, there
are 52 verbs in total. But we chose only 25 verbs for discussion because the other 27
verbs have few (less than 5) or no sentences in either Vpp or Ving forms. The
followings are the 25 verbs and the number of sentences we found in the corpus:
need need
want + to be + 過去分詞 = want + Ving (需要被...)
require require
(deserve) (deserve)

verb need + to
be + Vpp
need + Ving verb need + to
be + Vpp
need +
make 124 1 tackle 12 1
take 99 4 improve 11 3
consider 91 0 assess 11 0
address 50 2 fill 10 3
tell 45 11 find 10 1
do 45 15 evaluate 9 0
give 39 0 draw 8 0
remind 27 24 remove 8 0
put 26 2 pay 7 0
see 26 0 complete 6 0
develop 23 3 plan 5 0
replace 17 24 update 5 6
discuss 16 0
Through examining the numbers, we can find that need + to be + Vpp and need
+Ving are used disproportionally. Few verbs are used in the pattern of “need + Ving”.
Only “remind, replace and update” possess frequencies similar to the ones in “need to
be +Vpp” (remind: 27/24; replace: 17/24; update: 5/6). It is possible that a verb with
higher frequency of use might become more easily nominalized and thus more
acceptable in need + Ving form. For example, according to Webster’s Dictionary,
“replacing” has become a noun, meaning “the act of furnishing an equivalent person
or thing in the place of another”. If we regard “replacing” as a noun, the “need +
replacing” combination seems less awkward. However, not every word is endowed
with such privileges. Most of verbs have few or no “need + Ving” forms; for example,
“make, consider, assess…”. Therefore, to directly equate need + to be + Ving and
need + Ving will cause some problems because need + Ving is not applicable to every
2. require (Appendix II)
(1) Introduction
There are 110 examples containing “require to be” in the British National Corpus
[BNC]. However, due to the largeness of the data, we only observed and analyzed the
first fifty examples. After deleting the examples which do not conform to passive
tense, only 43 examples are left, in which 36 different verbs are used as past participle
following the wording “require to be.” For each verb, we further searched for its total
number in the corpus by typing “require to be Ved.” Besides, we also searched for its
Ving form by typing “require Ving,” “requires Ving” and “required Ving,” hoping that
we can test the validity of the rule by observing the existence (and the amount) of

examples of the two patterns (“require to be +過去分詞” and “require+ Ving”).
(2) Analysis
Most of the 36 verbs are rarely used in the pattern “require to be + Ved” since there
is mostly one example for each verb. The reason might due to the fact that sentences
containing the verb “require” usually have the pattern “S+ require + Noun.” The verbs
that only have one example are like “consult, outwit, insure, implement” etc (for more
information, please see Appendix). For these verbs, they can be used in the pattern
“require to be Ved” but not in “require/ required/requires + Ving.” Actually, there is
only 1 out of the36 verbs that can be used in the pattern “require/required/requires +
Ving.” The special verb is “take.” There are totally 3 examples in the data. (please see
the Appendix). However, comparing to the pattern “require/required/requires to be
taken,” “require/required/requires taking” only possesses half the number of examples
(“require/required/requires to be taken” gets 6 examples while
“require/required/requires taking” only gets 3 examples). Therefore, in terms of
frequency, “require/required/requires taking” is not parallel to
“require/required/requires to be taken.” Thus the two patterns should not be said to be
equal. From the data found in the corpus, we can make two conclusions. First, the
verb “require” is seldom used in either of the two patterns (“require to be Ved” and
“require Ving”) because mostly it is used in the pattern “require + noun.” Second, the
rule is proved to be invalid since we can find many examples with verbs used in the
pattern “require to be Ved” but not in the pattern “require/required/requires+ Ving” or
the number of the examples of “require to be Ved” is unequal to that of the pattern
“require Ving.”
3. want (Appendix III)
For “Want to be+ pp”, the search covered three variants: “want to be+ pp.”, “wants
to be +pp.” , “wanted to be +pp”. According to the results, there were over 40 verb
variants for “pp.” Then, the search for “want+Ving” was based on the “pp” verb
variants. For example, want to be done→want doing. For “Want+Ving”, the search
covered three variants: “want +Ving.”, “wants+Ving” , “wanted +Ving”.
The results showed that a few corpus data matched the assumption “want to be
pp.= want+ Ving” Among the plenty number of pp.verb forms, most of them had no
“want+Ving” form at all.
The matched results for the assumption “want to be pp.= want+ Ving” were: want
doing, want training, want reminding (please see the appendix). But still, when
searching for “want to be done”, there were only 3 results and for “want to be trained”
and “want to be reminded” both had fewer results.
The results amount for the assumption “want to be pp.= want+ Ving” was really
little might due to the meaning of “want” in most of time conveys the sense of “the
active willingness of the agent or the subject ”. Therefore, unlike the verb “need”, the

nonliving agent or subject here cannot “want” to commit a motion (that is, Ving). For
example, “the table needs to be clean= “the table needs cleaning”, but the table cannot
“want to be clean” so there was a little number of results could match to “want+
After reviewing the data in the corpus, we can find that:
1. The pattern “need/ require/ want + Ving” is not prevalently used:
In terms of “need + Ving”, only five verbs have higher frequency of “need + Ving”.
The other nine verbs have less than four data, which might not be representative when
comparing with “need to be +Vpp”. Besides, there are eleven verbs which do not have
this kind of usage at all. In terms of “require + Ving”, only one verb applies this kind
of usage. When it comes to “want + Ving”, only three verbs are found. The number of
sentences given in the corpus is also limited.
2. The rule provided by the reference book is probably invalid.
According to the reference book, need/ require/ want + to be + Vpp equates need/
require/ want + Ving, which should have been applicable to every verb because there
is no restriction nor explanation especially specified in the book. However, based on
the results we found in the corpus, only few verbs adopt need/ require/ want + Ving.
Most verbs in need/ require/ want + to be +Vpp cannot find corresponding data in
need/ require/ want + Ving. Therefore, the rule provided by the reference book does
not faithfully reveal the real, practical use and thus invalid.
3. If we compare the three verbs, need, require and want, it is not hard to find that the
different nature of each verb actually brings an impact on our finding results. Take
“need” for example. Due to the low volition of this verb, we can put either an agent or
non-active subject before “need” and still make the sentence comprehensible. This is
also the reason why we can find more data than “want” and “require”. “Want”, on the
contrary, does not have such a characteristic because it involves the active willingness
of the agent or subject. “Require”, on the other hand, since “S. + require + N.” is more
prevalently used, it is harder for us to find verbs as in “require + to be + Vpp”.

A. 英文3 教師用書,林素娥 主編,龍騰文化
B.「高中英文總複習整理 句型篇」,王明富、林曉梅 編著,大正資訊,民92 年
C.「英文圖解句型100」,簡鳳儀、簡啟雯 編著,南一書局,2008 年
to one’s+ N (另某人感到…的)
A.L3 Pattern in Action I. To someone’s+ N, S+ V (p.56.1)
【說明】(1) 此句型用來表示某事引起某人某種情緒、感覺。
B.句型80 to one’s+ 抽象名詞 (p.91)
【說明】(1) 「to +所有格+抽象名詞」可表示「令某人感到…的」,其他常用的名詞有:relief
Usage Note 2.常用此句型的情感類名詞 (p.22):
驚訝 高興 悲傷 懊惱 尷尬 羞愧 驚慌;不安
surprise joy/delight sorrow/grief annoyance embarrassment shame dismay
amazement 滿意 失望 遺憾 寬心 害怕 沮喪
astonishment satisfaction disappointment regret relief horror discouragement
按照教學指引和市面參考書的解說,對於to one’s+ N 句型,學生可能會認
one’s 後,但真是如此嗎? 假如不是如此,此句型有沒有比較典型的用法?
BNC Corpus:
針對大部分書籍都有提及的情緒名詞,在 BNC 以 “to my + N” 為例,符合
驚訝 高興 滿意 寬心 失望 遺憾 悲傷 羞愧
surprise 107 joy 2 sorrow 2
amazement 28
astonishment 27
delight 12
4 grief 1
的翻譯練習(IV Translation p.23 1.讓Max 感到遺憾的是,他無法及時阻止他最好
的朋友自殺 To Max’s regret,… 2.令大眾感到非常震驚的是,有加油站在汽油中混
入甲醇 To the public’s amazement, …),但實際上to one’s surprise 最常用的。書本
提及的 “常用”名詞,有些一點也不常用,譬如: BNC 中to my joy 只有兩筆、grief

只有一筆,至於to my/his/her content, 則是沒有,有些參考書寫的 to one’s
anger/fear 也找不到資料,可見不是任何學過的情緒名詞可套在此句型。
從BNC 的資料來看,此句型的Noun 常是neutral emotion nouns (surprise/
正向(joy/ delight/ satisfaction…)或負向(regret/sorrow/shame…)的情緒反應,通常

Functional Grammar of English Group 1


坊間很多國中或是高中的參考書上,將附屬連接詞(subordinating conjunctions)中的While和When視為可以引導時間副詞子句的連接詞。有的參考書甚至將這兩個連接詞以等號相連,並以中文解釋為「當…的時候」。
「我們正在唱歌的時候, 老師進來了」
When/While we were singing, the teacher came in.


以下為康軒版國中英語二上第六課 連接詞when和while的用法中,課本上的文法句型表:


1. I was eating when I saw a friend. ──(when 後所接子句,為過去單純式。)
 或 I saw a friend when I was eating. ──(when 後所接子句,為過去進行式。)
 或 I saw a friend while I was eating. ──(when 改用 while,後仍接過去進行式。)
 當然也可以 When I saw a friend, I was eating. ──(兩子句間加了個逗號。)
 當然也可以 While I was eating, I saw a friend. ──(兩子句間加了個逗號。)

2. She was watching TV when we got a phone call. ──(when 後所接子句,為過去單純式。)
 或 We got a phone call when she was watching TV. ──(when 後所接子句,為過去進行式。)
 或 We got a phone call while she was watching TV. ──(when 改用 while,後仍接過去進行式。)
 當然也可以 When we got a phone call, she was watching TV. ──(兩子句間加了個逗號。)
 當然也可以 While she was watching TV, we got a phone call. ──(兩子句間加了個逗號。)

此課本在用法上只強調when和while時態上的不同,這是非常不恰當的。 基本上應該由句子的語意來決定子句的動詞時態。所以,我們在British National Corpus中找到50筆資料中有50筆while的意思是「當…的時候」,而在這20筆中,就有12筆不符合 “while:其後所接的子句是過去進行式這個句型。”
1 I typed three letters while you were out to lunch. (While子句裡所述為狀態)
(在這個句子中, 打三封信, 吃一餐飯都需要時間, 故用while; 但並非側重在活動本身, 故用簡單過去式, 而不一定必須使用過去進行式。)
2. While you're there, ask for some styling tips from your hairdresser. (While子句裡所述為狀態)
3. The events of the last year had left her mentally drained while she was physically exhausted because of her chronic illness (While子句裡所述為狀態)
4. I’m going to answer the phone while you’re out to lunch.
(在這個句子中, 他甚至可以表示未發生的事的過程, 所以用簡單式。)
5. They took over Yvon's room while he was away in Peru.
(這個句子和第二個例句一樣,都是表同一時間且一件事實的陳述 ,故用過去簡單式。)

另外,我們都知道when的用處很廣, 所以當然康軒版課本中when的用法: “when:其後所接的子句,可以是過去單純式,也可以是過去進行式。” 與真實用法上也是有出入的。
因此, 我們也從corpus中找到為數不少與此規則不符的句子。
1. Stop being so rude to her father; walking out when he gives her advice.
2. Counseling ends when advice is given.
3. When she had gone, Aunt Lilian said, `Perhaps you'll tell me what this is about?'
4. James isn't curious about other people except when it affects him.
5. When media themselves are put to scrutiny they are therefore judged both on their own performance and also on their relations with the rest of society.
6. We also need to take into account other variables, particularly when concentrating upon the public sector.
1. British National Corpus
2. 挑戰英文文法總複習講義 龍騰文化事業公司
3. 英語慣用法手冊 正中書局
4. 英語500句型與文法 文橋出版社

Dear all,
When 用法較為廣泛,限制較少,可以表某一個時間點的事件或某一段時間的持續狀態;而while則語意較有限制,基本上僅有後者之意義,因此通常與「狀態或事件的延續」連用,形式上有可能為事件之進行貌或者是表狀態的簡單式動詞。


Functional Grammar of English Group 8

1. 對高中文法參考書,在說明此文法時,所用的句子跟說明,進行分析與批判。
2. 對分詞構句底下的各種連接詞進行進一步分析:
(1) because
(2) and
(3) before/ after
(4) as
(5) though
3. 結論
1. 分詞構句跟次要子句在使用上,會有什麼不同?他們分別出現在何種Context 之下?
2. 研究參考書在說明分詞構句時,是否有用not authentic materials跟不當的說 明?
1. 對高中文法參考書所進行分析與批判。
1. (如果)你向右轉,就會找到銀行了。
If you turn to the right, you will find the bank.
= Turning to the right, you will find the bank.
2. (因為)受到飢餓的驅使,他偷了一塊蛋糕。
As he was driven by hunger, he stile a piece of cake.
= Driven by hunger, he stole a piece of cake.
一開始介紹分詞構句直接以例句填空的方式讓讀者填寫,缺乏介紹分詞構句的語用意義。而例句中的Driven by hunger, 並非普通常用的句子,BNC 中只有兩個queries, 且都不是分詞構具 的用法。
A0L 3845 Yeah, said the voice, just a bloody animal, driven by hunger and sex.
BNU 104 In the mornings they left the calf outside on the roof, under an upturned basket to stop the crows and vultures swooping down to peck out its eyes, and because sometimes, in winter, the jackals are driven by hunger right up to the houses, even in daylight.
B. 分詞構句,可由副詞子句 簡化而來,其簡化過程為:
1. 先去連接詞
2. 再去主詞 (前後主詞一樣)
3. 動詞改為分詞
[句型] 連接詞+S+V…,S+V…
V-ing (主動/進行) ,S+V…
p.p. (被動/完成) ,S+V…
形成分詞構句的步驟中,並無順序的考據,先去主詞抑或是先去連接詞其實意義不大。再者,並非所有的連接詞都一定得去除,如:when, if, while …等。雖講義後來有些出連接詞保留的分詞構句,但因編排順序並不連貫,易造成混淆。 且其中的例子也並非常見的句型。如:
If I am invited, I will go to the party.
=If invited, I will go to the party.
C. 否定之分詞應將Not; Never放在句首:
[例] 因為不知道要做什麼,於是我去請教他。
As I didn’t know what to do, I ask for his advice.
= Not knowing what to do, I asked for his advice.
D. 在分詞構句中,being 及having been 常被省略,只保留p.p. :
[例] 因為被警察看到,他跑走了。
As he was seen by a policeman, he ran away.
= Seen by a policeman, he ran away.
在連接詞被省略後,其語意有些許的差異,如Seen by a policeman, he ran away. 可解釋為After/As he was seen by a policeman, he ran away. 故語意上不一定完全相等。
S1+ 分詞構句、S2+V
Because there was no bus, I had to walk home.
=There being no bus, I had to walk home.
If weather permits, we will have a picnic tomorrow.
Weather permitting, we will have a picnic tomorrow.
1. 先去連接詞
2. 保留主詞(前後主詞不同)
3. 動詞改為分詞
[句型] 連接詞+S1+V…,S2+V…
S1+V-ing (主動/進行) ,S2+V…
S1+p.p. (被動/完成) ,S2+V…
(a) My homework , I went out to play.
(a) has been finished (b) finished (c) been finished (d) was finished.
此例子中並未考慮動詞本身所配合的語意角色,finish 常用[+humane ]當agent, 而此例句中,直接以my homework 當主詞,有可能非自己寫作業,而只要作業完成,就出去玩。若要表示在寫完作業後就可以以出去玩,應為:After finishing doing my homework, I could go out to play.
2. 分詞構句底下的各種連接詞
(1) Because
We find it ambiguous that the grammar books tell us the following sentences are equivalent. The (b.) sentence structure is often scaled down to participles in the subordinate clause so that the conjunction as well as the subject is omitted. If we look upon it as one of the grammar rules, we may take it for granted. Yet, if we examine and compare sentence (a.) and (b.), we’ll notice the pragmatic difference in between.
For example, sentence a, c, g, I, k seems more like a statement in writing text rather than a spoken language. In a real discourse, we may not adopt the complete [Conjunction+subject+verb] subordinate structure; instead, we may utter out sentences with the main key ideas in a simplified form. Chances are we don’t bother to state the cause-and-effect relationships that clearly because we are talking about something that both listener and speaker have ideas about.
For example, " Being very busy and not using any help, I was usually in a hurry, " said the former nurse, who taught nursing at Indiana University. (from COCA) In this occasion, the listener can assumable get the idea of “be very busy” since the nurse is described that “She had two daughters, but she was not familiar with Dr. Seuss at all, blaming it on her own nonstop schedule as the wife of a successful man.”

Similarly, there is such usage in Chinese as well. We may say 因為太忙,所以她沒有回我電話。Without second guess, we can assume the subject of the subordinate sentence is the same one in the main clause. If we say 因為她太忙碌,所以她沒有時間回我電話, it is likely that we want to avoid ambiguity in sentence, and suggest the emphasis.

a. Because she was very busy, she didn’t have time to call back.
b. Being very busy, she didn’t have time to call back.

c. Because I am not satisfied with his term paper, I told the student to rewrite it.
d. Not being satisfied with his term paper, I told the student to rewrite it.

e. Because there was no taxi to hail, we had no choice but to walk home.
f. There being no taxi to hail, we had no choice but to walk home.

g. Because it was fine that day, my family made a tour around the small island.
h. It being fine that day, my family made a tour around the small island.

i. Because she was hit by a truck, she was seriously injured.
j. Hit by the truck, she was seriously injured.

k. Because it was broken in a typhoon, the window looked ugly.
l. Broken in a typhoon, the window looked ugly.

(2) And
The reference book stated that “and” in subordinate sentence implies the supplementary position. Again, we found the two parallel sentences are not exactly the same in terms of its pragmatic functions.
In sentence (a.), it is apparent that the conjunction “and” play an essential role to connect two sentences which are of equal position. Yet, in sentence (b.), when “and” is omitting and the verb “wait” was changed into “waiting,” the equality of two verbs are no longer the same. In other words, the participle “waiting” seems to become weaker in its meaning and shows the relationship of attachment.
Also, we can find similar instance from the corpus, such as “He stopped and looked at me, waiting for my response” and “We will be standing in the cath lab, waiting for the patient to show up”(COCA) In the previous sentence, we know that the main clause dominates the main idea, while the subordinate clause which begins with “waiting” can only serve as relatively less important action.

a. I stood there, and waited for her.
b. I stood there, waiting for her.

c. Sam is in college, and he majors in English.
d. Sam is in college, majoring in English.

e. The nurse approached the child, and she tried to make him relaxed.
f. The nurse approached the child, trying to make her relaxed.

(3)Before/ After
We find some examples about changing sentences into participial clauses in reference books as follows:
1. After I had finished my homework, I went home.
= Having finished my homework, I went home.
2. After Tom had been informed of the news, he rushed to his home.
= (Having been) Informed of the news, Tom rushed to his home.
3. After my homework had been finished, I went out to play.
= My homework finished, I went out to play.
4. After he was told the way to take, the traveler went on his journey.
= Told the way to take, the traveler went on his journey.

In terms of the grammar usage, those two sentences can be equal. However, based on their functions in the context, they may not be quite the same. It’s improper to put an equal mark between the two sentences. Different sentence patterns function differently. Here, take the conjunction ’after’ as the example. First of all, if we change subordinate clause into participial phrase, it sort of weakens more of the importance of the action. Secondly, with the substitution for subordinate clause, especially in the passive sentence (like in sentence 2,3,4), the time sequence seems not as strong as the original one. Thus, the participial phrase behaves more like a status. The most important reason two sentences cannot be equalized is when they appear in the contexts. Usually, we use participial clauses when the topics have already been mentioned or related to previous sections. However, if the meaning is not quite clear within the context, conjunctions (before/ after) will be mostly kept to have better coherence.
To find out the actual usage of two different sentence patterns in our daily life, we check out on Corpus of Contemporary American English as the reference:
1) Physical Activity Patterns of Young Women Post-college Graduation (Mar2008, Vol. 42 Issue 1, p3-14, 12p, 5 charts)
Women who work frequently state that they have insufficient time or energy for exercise after they finish their typical commute and work day.
2) Umor Revisited: A Diachronic Study of Sacrosanct Principles Embedded in the Yakurr Leboku Festival (Autumn2008, Vol. 41 Issue 3, p54-73, 20p)
These men are selected when they are in their fifties, after they have proven themselves in the community as farmers or have led successful careers within the Nigerian military, police force, or civil service.
 This sentence doesn’t change into participial clause because the author may try to balance the importance and emphasize the time sequence between two sentences .
3) The Boss is Watching (Jan2008, Vol. 94 Issue 1, p48-53, 6p, 2 color)
These are just a few cases from recent years: -- In 2000, a national supermarket chain fired a long-term company truck driver after finding out he liked to cross-dress in his spare time.
4) Preparation for Midskilled Work and Continuous Learning in Nine Community College Occupational Programs (Jan2008, Vol. 35 Issue 3, p208-236, 29p, 1 chart, 1 diagram)
They believed that graduates were able to be productive soon after being hired because they had a good understanding of how their jobs fit in with the general flow of work and with the expectations of employers.
 The subordinate clauses are trivialized and become more like additional remarks of the main clauses.

(4) As
The meaning and the function of the word “as” vary depending on the communicative context shared by both speakers and listeners. The analysis below aims to examine whether the retaining or omitting of the word “as” as a conjunction in a sentence affects the original meaning that the speaker intends to convey. The guidelines in grammars regarding the deletion of “as” will then be tested to see if they are applicable to actual speech production.
According to “Wen Shih’s New English Grammar with Detailed Explanations, First Edition” and “A Comprehensive Survey of English Grammar, First Edition,” “as” can be omitted if it carries one the following two meanings:
(1) while sth. else is happening: indicating “time”
As he came into the room, he was smiling.
= He came into the room, smiling.
(2) used to state the reason for sth.: indicating “the cause”
As there was no taxi, we had to walk.
= There being no taxi, we had to walk.

Based on the fifty sentences randomly selected from British National Corpus, among the sixty-nine times the word “as” occurs, twenty-two of them appear to be conjunctions. When used as a conjunction, 45.45% (ten out of twenty-two examples) of the usage of “as” contains the aforementioned two meanings. Applying the patterns for “as” deletion to sentences from BNC, the results would be:
(1) while sth. else is happening: indicating “time”
(1-a) She clutched the door handle for support as he manoeuvred past a bus, and then they began to leave behind the slowly rising concrete buildings and the dust and reached the worn hills beyond.
→ (1-b) She clutching the door handle for support, he manoeuvred past a bus, and then they began to leave behind the slowly rising concrete buildings and the dust and reached the worn hills beyond.

If we compare sentence (1-b) with sentence (1-a) in which “as” bears the concept of the “co-occurrence of two events during the same period of time,” we might perceive that in terms of time and space the connection between the two movements, the female’s clutching the door handle and the male’s manoeuvring past a bus, seems to be looser than that in sentence (1-a). In addition, with the presence of “as,” from sentence (1-a) we can learn that the male’s movement occurs first, followed by the female’s, whereas in sentence (1-b), the sequence of the movements becomes ambiguous and confusing.
As we take another sentence from BNC for the usage of “as” concerning the reasons for an event, we will derive:
(2) used to state the reason for sth.: indicating “the cause”
(2-a) Wealth used for production (for example shares) is of particular interest to Marxist sociologists as they believe that power largely derives from ownership of the means of production.
→ (2-b) ? They believing that power largely derives from ownership of the means of production, wealth used for production (for example shares) is of particular interest to Marxist sociologists.

In sentence (2-b), the subjects in the two clauses are to some extent incoherent, rendering the meaning of the entire sentence unclear. On the other hand, sentence (2-a) clearly shows the reasoning for cause (Marxian belief of power deriving from ownership of the means of production) and effect (wealth used for production being of particular interest), and its sentence structure is also easier for listeners to process the meaning it contains. In general, from the corpus data shown above, we can conclude that it is obvious the lack of “as” usually causes meaning ambiguity in communication. Although many grammars note that on certain conditions sentences with and without the conjunction “as” are perfectly interchangeable, it is not always the case in real speech.
In the book, it says that the original sentence conjoined by “though” means the same when it is presented with the participle construction. However, we intuitively feel some difference between the two (the original one and the participle construction one.) Therefore, we look into the COCA corpus to see if there indeed are some differences. There are 157311 solutions to this query “though.” COCA corpus presents 100 entries within one page. The appendix is the a list of our result.
And among these 100 entries, we find only three sentences presented by participle construction.

First of all, I discover that, in the above three examples, “though” only occurs at the initial place. Then I boldly guess it is because the message led by “though participle” here is often older or less important than the following part. Therefore, in the original sentences conjoined by “though conjunction”, “though” can occur in the middle or the final place. For example, in this sentence, “Most focus on the elderly population, even though younger adults who need discharge planning seem to have more problems obtaining and maintaining services,” it seems that the part led by “though” delivers the important message of young adults’ problems. In contrast, in the three examples presented by participle construction, the part led by “though” seems much less important. For example, in the sentence, “Though uneducated and penniless, he was a gentle, nature-loving man, and music was his passion,” it seems that “he was a gentle, nature-loving man, and music was his passion” is the main point here, while the former part “Though uneducated and penniless” is only a supplement to it.
The other proof of this view is that “even” often used with “though” in the original sentences (28 cases here), while there’s no participle construction sentences starting with “even though”. As we know, “even” is an emphasis to the message; therefore, it seems that message led by the “though conjunction” (in the original sentences) is more important than the one led by the “though participle” (in the participle construction sentences.)
3. 結論
總結上方的言論,第一點,我們發現分詞構句跟未省略的子句(Subordinate Clause),在語用有很明顯的不同。分詞構句顯然比Subordinate Clause更有trivialized 的感覺,也更像補充說明,且在語意上的份量相對較輕。那是因為分詞構句地位比較像Phrase,跟Clause比起來,在句法跟語意上都較輕。
我們都知道從syntactic觀點來看,Independent Clause(獨立子句)的分量大於從屬子句(Subordinate Clause),而Clause都大於phrase, 可推出下方結論:
Independent Clause(獨立子句)>從屬子句(Subordinate Clause)>phrase(NP)>N
第二點,我們觀察分詞構句出現的語用場合(context),會發現,它通常會在context的中間,前面一定有句子提到相關的主題或事件,才使用分詞構句。而這跟pragmatics觀點有關,當我們第二次提及這個主題時,因為上文以提供足夠的quantity包括主詞啦,事件等等的,因為上文以提過夠多的線索,所以他主要就是強調他的manner,要能夠be brief and orderly. 因此他會省略一些metadiscourse,像if ,though, 用分詞構句提綱扼要一下重點。而現有參考書將2者畫上等號,學生若在不知情的情況下亂用,就會有不authentic的感覺。
在我們提出報告當中,有觀察到不同的conjunction,省略後效果有所不同。有的造成有status的感覺,或是有topicalization的感覺,而使動作更加鮮明。我們所提出的論點,最主要是證明參考書不可直接畫上等號,這是相當不恰當的教法!參考書也應大略敘述此句型使用情境,而不試用 deductive的方式直接講述文法,這相當不恰當。
升大學挑戰英文文法總複習講義,出版社:龍騰文化事業公司,頁碼: p.132-p.135,編輯者:陳賢,黃愛倫
活用圖解英文法 編著/陳啟賢˙陳明亮
Wen Shih’s New English Grammar with Detailed Explanations, First Edition

95 A++
(You have done more than required!!!
Keep up the good job.)

Dear all,

Good job. (You’ve done more than required.)

Appendix Corpus data from COCA corpus
The query is “though.”
to exercise authority over their claims and of what to do with indigenous populations. Though the Indians were not subjects of European monarchs, colonial powers did not view them
is possible to explore some of the basic cognitive components of intellectual performance, even though this information is not readily applicable in the practical setting. The challenge is bridging
" each of these different brains into one brain, called a template image. Though modern techniques of coregistering individual brains into a common template image has become easier and
It is important to note that no gender differences are reported in this study even though other papers report gender differences in the development of language structures of the brain.
(Craggs, Sanchez, Kibby, Gilger, &; Hynd, 2006). Though this study is conducted within one family, it suggests a correlation between the presence
this study wanted to weigh about 14 pounds less than she currently weighed. Even though this may not seem like a large amount of weight, it represented about 10%
of the 2000s. The more positive aspects of these changes should be highlighted, though. Generally, they have been implemented with major conservation, inventory, and digitization
these images are not associated with the African galleries in fine arts museums, even though individual objects in their collections were originally acquired under exactly the same kinds of circumstances
increase in foreign direct investment (FDI) flows between Asia and Africa, even though much more modest than the increase in trade, is also noteworthy. India's
states, as well as in China and India, still limit trade, even though as members of the World Trade Organization (WTO), these countries have relatively
especially those geared toward business services, are still woefully underdeveloped in Africa, even though a surge of private providers of mobile telephony is helping greatly by providing higher-quality service
be implemented to alleviate some problems. According to Stark (2001), " Though barriers often do present as a result of the built environment (e.g. bathtub)
, farming and irrigation are strongly associated with masculinity and identified as male jobs. Though most rural women farm and irrigate, they are seldom seen as farmers by water
exercise of political authority is still primarily associated with men socially and culturally, even though change in this regard is slowly coming. Gender identity partly determines the right to
meant that the engineer's irrigation project was flawed and could not proceed. Even though the men of the village obviously were aware of the women's herding duties that
harms are hardly worth the benefits. Others continue to prescribe it liberally, as though it really is a lifesaver. Yet for certain patients, digitalis remains modestly effective
Lastly, RQ4 examined the stability of expectations based on year in school. Again though we did find differences regarding class size and availability of the professor outside of class
services. Follow-up periods vary widely. Most focus on the elderly population, even though younger adults who need discharge planning seem to have more problems obtaining and maintaining services
of specific services, adequacy of specific services, unmet needs, and services received though not planned. To examine the third study aim, logistic regressions were used.
health care from the HMO was frequently cited as a service that patients received even though it was not planned by the social worker. These services share two common factors
nurses' union regarding a hospital's use of identification badges embedded with RFID. Though hospital management justifies RFID as a way to find nurses without using noisy intercom systems
preservice teacher's tension between care and control during the student teaching process. Even though the student teacher struggled with keeping balance between controlling and caring in the classroom,
need to be careful when you're asking questions to them. " And even though we were careful when we asked some of them, " What do you worry
philosophy in light of enactment caring (Goldstein &; Freedman, 2003). Even though some research suggested the wash-out effect or reality shock (Lortie, 1975) with
their toes, evolving longer toe bones and eventually losing their lateral digits. Even though canids were getting faster, they also had to adjust to competition from new carnivoran
1995; Arce and Daniel 1999). But are the commons disappearing? Even though the 1992/1993 reforms to Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution allowed for the privatization of
, increased dramatically. As research by Flavia Echnove and Cristina Steffen has shown, though such ejidatarios are not in full flight but, rather, creating new forms of
included one or more science courses in biology, chemistry, or microbiology. Even though connections could be drawn easily in these courses to human biology, health, and
be given to preparing students to learn continuously on their own after graduation, even though occupational education is well suited to do this. Occupational education offers a rich context
neoliberal policies on women (an underdeveloped theme in CST), a deeper (though not uncritical) appreciation for local cultures, and a deepened appreciation of the seriousness
refer to comprehensive measures of reading administered in Grades 1-3 as highstakes assessments, even though for No Child Left Behind purposes high-stakes testing begins in Grade 3. However,
Yet strategic stocks are rarely handled with an accurate view of these markets, even though effective management would mean offering reliable supplies in a crunch without undermining the enormous benefits
section. These two studies address the possible academic achievement benefits for web-based education, though, and don't address the use of technology in face-to-face classroom settings. The
Knee because they were being held by the U.S. military as prisoners of war, though no state of war had been officially declared. The Cheyenne River Indian agent,
it was with that distantly remembered history. Nobody really thought much about it, though a few of our more intellectually minded citizens took it up in their retirement.
it could always borrow one. It could pretend to be part of Texas, though it really wasn't: not, at least, a part of the Texas
. Nobody I asked about the Jewish memorial knew what I was talking about, though the guidebook assured me it was over there somewhere. The park was enormous and
. I had come in search of one family of Ukrainian Jews--not my own, though my great-great-grandparents had made the progress from Odessa to Houston. On this trip I
empires that no longer exist. The name itself is Turkish, aan Lik, though nobody was sure what that meant, and nothing survives of the Turks in Podolia
, the capital of free Ukraine is, awkwardly, a Russian speaking city, though the signs are all in Ukrainian, and even ethnic Ukrainians lament their inability to
a reader through the old man's rocky pastures. " Not that meter, though the meter is much and not that tone though the tone is more, "
. " Not that meter, though the meter is much and not that tone though the tone is more, " he insisted in the nineteenth notebook, " and
live out his years northeast of Eden, surviving by the sweat of his brow though he holds dominion over all, he wants to be standing on the earth,
abruptive spondee underlies " makes gaps " crucial to open passage, two-by-two, as though the animals could return to the Ark through naturally occurring cracks in Eden's walls
stripped of its black-and-white bark, poses equal mortal hazard. Where to turn? Though he's hibernating for winter, the woodchuck " could say whether it's like
And that's just it: his words are not hers " a-mind, " though Adam named everything in the Garden and held dominion over all, ribbing and naming
in her exit. It's the unbridgeable chasm between his and hers: " Though I don't like such things' twixt those that love. / Two that
grieve. And now she accuses him of sneering, which he vehemently denies, though he sounds like a judge at his own hanging and quickly takes offense, reversing
Neither Christian nor Greek paternal God has come back yet with the run-away goods, though their grief-song keeps burbling through the woods. As from the beginning, male and
spirit in preparation for Lobo/Yekpi took twenty diviners' efforts throughout the night, even though participation then was restricted to members of the patrician of the head of the diviners
the major targets in the late afternoon shoot was the Proboscis Monkeys Nasalis larvatus. Though easily seen during the day filling their potbellies with vegetation, these largish monkeys were
orangutans are currently found only in rainforests on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra, though fossils have been found in Java. Vietnam and China. The name derives from
context, " it seems that a romantic theory can receive widespread acceptance, even though it is based on a total disregard of realities " (1976, 36)
Conquest on both continents " (1948 1972, 94; italics added). Though not fully conceding to his rival's approach, Kubler did acknowledge Stanislawski as the
inquiry that attempt to move beyond the diffusionist search for " origins. " Even though many scholars have abandoned the quest to determine the grid's origin, Stanislawski's
internal to what on the surface appears homogenous and coherent--and presents itself and behaves as though it were " (1974 1991, 352). From such a dialectical perspective
played for pauper and prince alike, there lived a humble musician named Simeon. Though uneducated and penniless, he was a gentle, nature-loving man, and music was
completion of one's obligatory works) and indiscrete fasting, which hinders useful, though unrequired, acts. Aquinas takes pains to emphasize that virtuous fasting is not in
Carthusian abstinence by arguing that it is not, in fact, exceptionless, even though the community expressed the prohibition in absolute terms to avoid abuses and declining standards. (
's food and drink, either taken at one meal or divided into two. Though he claims that one should shun fatty meats, he has few other rules about
God. (n62) Even longer life, which Lessius recognizes is a possible (though not an inevitable) outcome of his regimen, is of value primarily because it
concerned about living a long life--at least in reference to our nutritional and exercise choices--even though our behavior in practice falls far short of our aspirations? Vitoria and Lessius lived
illuminate the difficulties in analyzing the duty to preserve one's life through food. Though he defends such a duty, Vitoria demonstrates that it is subject to limitation through
SD = 3.99 &; Study 2 M = 16.1, SD = 4.3), though these were not significant differences. Based on these results, Petruzzello stated that it
states. For example, subjects in Petruzzello's research were slightly more anxious (though not significantly) outside the laboratory than in the laboratory. Considering the question regarding
actions such as exercise increase heart and respiratory rates in a similar and proportional, though reduced, manner to the action imagined. As participants knew they would soon be
it is possible that their affective pattern through the day had already been influenced. Though these ideas are speculative, they are logically appealing and warrant further investigation. Considering
the effect of exercise on affective states. Considering the energy and calmness dimensions, though there were no differences observed between daily mean affect and preexercise affect, there were
smokefree law went into effect. The location allowed smoking in a private area even though the private space was adjacent and open to the public area, thus violating the
Van Raalte et al., 1995; Wrisberg &; Anshel, 1997); even though in some field studies negative ST was not associated with impaired performance (e.g. Dagrou
particular, they reported that negative ST followed lost points and bad serves. Even though the study of Van Raalte et al. (2000) assessed ST through observational
reported substantial evidence regarding the validity and the reliability of the intensity scale. Even though the direction scale has not been extensively validated, previous studies have reported adequate reliability
interfering negative thoughts athletes experience while competing. Furthermore, it was revealed that even though there were no differences in anxiety intensity between the two anxiety direction groups, athletes
and 56. The majority of clients served were white (42 percent), though there were also a large percentage of Hispanic/Latina clients (28 percent). Smaller
97.24 percent support he received in the first referendum. (n1) Such results, though, have little significance. Syrian referendums are a government-orchestrated show and have nothing in
him to change policies. (n11) Not all credit should go to Bashar, though. As with his father, staying in power may have less to do with
White House after 9-11. Washington should not perceive Bashar al-Assad as totally inflexible, though. His father could change policies when he deemed it necessary, reassessing relations with
the case, then Jerusalem successfully called Bashar's bluff. Assad may believe, though, that he has the advantage of time. Since late 2006, the Bush
Spirit followed in the sixth paragraph: Renew Your wonders in our time, as though for by a new Pentecost (Renova aetate hac nostra per novum veluti Pentecostem mirabilia
II will be (or is, or was) a new Pentecost, " though it connoted hope and expectation in that direction. Unquestionably the Lukan reference puts Vatican
, and a divide between Western culture and Christianity. There is no reason, though, to think that Pope Benedict XVI has renounced the image of a new Pentecost
church's wider ongoing reception of revelation. " (n55) In this, though Rush does not insist on it, Vatican II is like, and in continuity
the Holy Spirit, to determine the outward, ritual expression of these sacraments, though he intended each special grace. Something like this pertained to apostolic office too,
Pentecost " can not be matched only to the charismatic element in the church, though that element is real and " a new Pentecost " encapsulates a perspective on the
precisely in their distinctness from one another can now proceed. At the outset, though, it is appropriate to acknowledge a theological reflex built up in Catholicism from historical
. The mission of the Spirit is not the mission of the Son, even though the Spirit proceeds from the Father through the Son, or in the common Western
because Christ's words and deeds in the New Testament present it as real, though not in a dogmatic, propositional format. Once revealed, the distinction between the
the Filioque. Western trinitarian theology has its own grounds for exploring the difference, though the Filioque does not encourage this and has abetted a Christomonist tendency in Western Catholicism
founding gift, which is the Spirit and a new horizon for human existence, though certainly it does not mean a refounding of the church. The founding gift of
Before Pentecost Christ's followers lived a condition of faith in the risen Christ (though not everyone had direct experience of Christ risen) that left them inactive in communicating
ministry nor in the postresurrection period did Christ turn over the community's already designated though nascent modes of operation, the structures, to the apostles or disciples as if
public ministry and postresurrection manifestations. Before Pentecost the church did not yet exist, though there were essential elements. Afterward, the church existed and acted as an instrument
, which examined the interaction between graphical user interfaces and screen readers, that even though many of the obstacles encountered by users were slight, the cumulative effect led to
to intervention, post-intervention, and 1 year later. She found that most, though not all, effects were maintained or increased over time. Orpinas et al.
upon various political knowledges. Overall, this allows us to recognize that some (though certainly not all) movements are intensely involved in the epistemological work of analyzing,
. DAN did not constitute itself as a nonprofit, union, or party, though members of all three (and beyond) participated in DAN activities. It functioned
it definitely implies a relearning of how to act and think about democracy. Even though we were familiar with representative democratic procedures, these rules were substantially distinct. Engaging
with (rather than in spite of) difference could actually be quite productive, though it required letting go of some of the certainty or authority which each thought they
2007; Redfield 2005; Woodhouse et al. 2002), (n21) though it is unclear that this turn is having reciprocal effects within the mainstream of social
team aims to determine whether soil organisms follow the same pattern.Next questions In April, though Adams had barely begun to get this year's samples unpacked and into his machines
