2009年4月7日 星期二

Functional Grammar of English Group 1


坊間很多國中或是高中的參考書上,將附屬連接詞(subordinating conjunctions)中的While和When視為可以引導時間副詞子句的連接詞。有的參考書甚至將這兩個連接詞以等號相連,並以中文解釋為「當…的時候」。
「我們正在唱歌的時候, 老師進來了」
When/While we were singing, the teacher came in.


以下為康軒版國中英語二上第六課 連接詞when和while的用法中,課本上的文法句型表:


1. I was eating when I saw a friend. ──(when 後所接子句,為過去單純式。)
 或 I saw a friend when I was eating. ──(when 後所接子句,為過去進行式。)
 或 I saw a friend while I was eating. ──(when 改用 while,後仍接過去進行式。)
 當然也可以 When I saw a friend, I was eating. ──(兩子句間加了個逗號。)
 當然也可以 While I was eating, I saw a friend. ──(兩子句間加了個逗號。)

2. She was watching TV when we got a phone call. ──(when 後所接子句,為過去單純式。)
 或 We got a phone call when she was watching TV. ──(when 後所接子句,為過去進行式。)
 或 We got a phone call while she was watching TV. ──(when 改用 while,後仍接過去進行式。)
 當然也可以 When we got a phone call, she was watching TV. ──(兩子句間加了個逗號。)
 當然也可以 While she was watching TV, we got a phone call. ──(兩子句間加了個逗號。)

此課本在用法上只強調when和while時態上的不同,這是非常不恰當的。 基本上應該由句子的語意來決定子句的動詞時態。所以,我們在British National Corpus中找到50筆資料中有50筆while的意思是「當…的時候」,而在這20筆中,就有12筆不符合 “while:其後所接的子句是過去進行式這個句型。”
1 I typed three letters while you were out to lunch. (While子句裡所述為狀態)
(在這個句子中, 打三封信, 吃一餐飯都需要時間, 故用while; 但並非側重在活動本身, 故用簡單過去式, 而不一定必須使用過去進行式。)
2. While you're there, ask for some styling tips from your hairdresser. (While子句裡所述為狀態)
3. The events of the last year had left her mentally drained while she was physically exhausted because of her chronic illness (While子句裡所述為狀態)
4. I’m going to answer the phone while you’re out to lunch.
(在這個句子中, 他甚至可以表示未發生的事的過程, 所以用簡單式。)
5. They took over Yvon's room while he was away in Peru.
(這個句子和第二個例句一樣,都是表同一時間且一件事實的陳述 ,故用過去簡單式。)

另外,我們都知道when的用處很廣, 所以當然康軒版課本中when的用法: “when:其後所接的子句,可以是過去單純式,也可以是過去進行式。” 與真實用法上也是有出入的。
因此, 我們也從corpus中找到為數不少與此規則不符的句子。
1. Stop being so rude to her father; walking out when he gives her advice.
2. Counseling ends when advice is given.
3. When she had gone, Aunt Lilian said, `Perhaps you'll tell me what this is about?'
4. James isn't curious about other people except when it affects him.
5. When media themselves are put to scrutiny they are therefore judged both on their own performance and also on their relations with the rest of society.
6. We also need to take into account other variables, particularly when concentrating upon the public sector.
1. British National Corpus
2. 挑戰英文文法總複習講義 龍騰文化事業公司
3. 英語慣用法手冊 正中書局
4. 英語500句型與文法 文橋出版社

Dear all,
When 用法較為廣泛,限制較少,可以表某一個時間點的事件或某一段時間的持續狀態;而while則語意較有限制,基本上僅有後者之意義,因此通常與「狀態或事件的延續」連用,形式上有可能為事件之進行貌或者是表狀態的簡單式動詞。


