2009年4月7日 星期二

Functional Grammar of English Group 10

Grammar rule (a) (see appendix)



(二)根據規則下的例句「killed with +工具」,搜尋BNC語料庫後發現46筆結果,因此推斷這個例句可能不是慣用語。

(Cherry’s remark:semantic role而言,with能標示工具,但也可能標示「共事者」,例如go there with John.)

Killed with:


1 in the company or presence of sb/sth: She lives with her parents. *I have a client with me right now. *a nice steak with a bottle of red wine
2 having or carrying sth: a girl with (= who has) red hair *a jacket with a hood *He looked at her with a hurt expression. *They’re both in bed with flu. *a man with a suitcase






Killed by:

by: used, usually after a passive verb, to show who or what does, creates or causes sth: He was knocked down by a bus. *a play by Ibsen *Who’s that book by? *I was frightened by the noise.

(Cherry’s remark: by可能標示主事者,或者是”by means of”)

Grammar rule (b) (see appendix)

問題一:文法規則「be known +to」的意思是「為…所知」,但從語料庫中我們可以得知,「be known to」為不定詞用法的機率略高於書中的規則所言。根據牛津線上字典,「be known to」的解釋本來就該由上下文決定,而非死的規則。

(Cherry’s remark: 這裏應該將不定詞to排除)

Be known to:

BE FAMILIAR 4 [vn] to be familiar with a person, place, thing, etc.: I’ve known David for 20 years. *Do you two know each other (= have you met before)? *She was a secretary when I first knew her. *She’s very nice when you get to know her. *Knowing Ben, we could be waiting a long time (= it is typical of him to be late). *This man is known to the police (= as a criminal). *I don’t know anyone in Oxford. *I know Paris well. *Do you know the play (= have you seen or read it before)? *The new rules could mean the end of football as we know it (= in the form that we are familiar with).

10 (only used in the perfect tenses) to have seen, heard or experienced sth: [vn inf, vn to inf] I’ve never known it (to) snow in July before. *[vn to inf] He has been known to spend all morning in the bathroom.

問題二:從語料庫的句子中,我們發現「be known as」的用法,「命名」的機率遠大於「以…著名」,所以這個規則擴大了「以…著名」的慣用性。如果以常用的用法來延伸,可能比背多個規則來得有意義。


5 ~ sb/sth as sth| ~ sb/sth for sth [usually passive] to think that sb/sth is a
particular type of person or thing or has particular characteristics: [
vn] It’s
known as the most dangerous part of the city.
*She is best known for her work on the
human brain.
vn to inf] He’s known to be an outstanding physicist.


6 [vn] ~ sb/sth as sth [usually passive] to give sb/sth a particular name or title:
The drug is commonly known as Ecstasy. *Peter Wilson, also known as ‘the Tiger’

問題三:從文法規則「被動式+by+行為者」中,學生已經背過一次by的片面意義;但文法規則「be known by」中又提供by的另一解釋,除了混淆視聽以外,也不會提升學習效率。如果能以上下文及對「by」本身字義有所了解,想必不需死背。

Dear all,


被動式中的prep + NP prep所標示的semantic role與其prep選用的關係為何?


另外,語料檢視時,究竟要針對哪一些語意特質深入探討(human vs. non-human, abstract vs. concrete),基本上必須先思考我們要討論的重點為何?這些語意屬性是否可能為關鍵的區分重點?


Anyway, 繼續加油! (80)

Your query was “killed with 

Only 46 solutions found for this query

* and together 10 ** using sth 30 ***having/carrying sth 5 with out (unmarked) 1

**A0R 2961 The third summer I came across greenflies which I easily killed with malathion .

**A16 1354 Any mould growth should be killed with a fungicide wash , and loose or powdery surfaces should be treated with a stabilising solution .

*A67 1259 You can imagine my surprise when looking around the Lancaster hangar at the display boards, I came across a copy of Flt Lt Bulcraig's DFM citation, with a typed caption stating that our pilot had been killed with all his crew!

***AJ0 128 She became noted for her work on the Fringe and is now at the RSC with a fine version of A Woman Killed with Kindness.

***AL0 239 Down in the Barbican's Pit, Thomas Heywood's censorious rural drama, A Woman Killed with Kindness, offers much less in the way of entertainment.

**AMU 36 Don Roberto had been killed with a similar knife to the one Trent carried.

**APW 2152 She raked round their rubbish heaps at night; she stole from them --; peats from the stacks outside their huts, oats gleaned at night from the fields where they drove her away by day, once a half-grown lamb with a broken leg, that she killed with her knife and carried furtively back to the hut, praying they'd think an eagle or fox had taken it.

**BP0 1036 Who killed with privation his nephew?

*BP0 1772 If they failed to reach the fuses in time, they'd be killed with the rest on the wall, and only a little earlier than the men of both sides who would open fire, without doubt, claiming treachery.

**CAC 737 They could only be killed with a spear through one small spot on their back, or in their mouth, that was not protected by scales.

**CAC 1759 Warriors still hunt the jaguar in ritualised fashion; they must stalk it for three days and it may only be killed with a wooden spear.

*CBF 5518 Julie Godwin, pictured above with Sophie at a few months old, was raped and killed with her holiday pal Elizabeth Over as the pair sunbathed on a beach in South Africa.

**CBF 7493 Inmate killed with table leg

**CJ1 731 In conformity with their special status, keoi cannot be killed with ordinary weapons, but only with fire.

**CJ3 1359 Prey is immediately carried to the mouth and killed with a bite from the bird-like beak, tucked away among the tentacles.

**CN1 537 If the first shot hits you can fire again, regardless of whether you wounded or killed with your first shot.

**CN1 622 If the first shot hits you can fire again, regardless of whether you wounded or killed with your first shot.

**CS1 1000 This case was covered only by the Sun , which had two reports under the headlines Gay `;Killed with Chain' and DOG-CHAIN SEX KILLER JAILED .

***E9U 651 Stock set a total of 166 for 8, with Taylor's 52 the key, and visitors Danbury were killed with 73 runs to spare.

**ECU 452 Natural yeasts are killed with chemicals, and a more predictable yeast added.

**F9C 3219 `;Killed with an axe…';

**FEM 371 The sofa, pinned to the wall, had been killed with a single shot.

FXV 224 And then we had to wait while they poured them in the moulds, but if the moulds failed, and they were rather big, they was full of air-holes and they used to turn it all into a fine just l l pebbles of molten metal, straight back up at you, and you couldn't move cos if you moved your crane then somebody would have been killed with out the ladles.

***G16 1046 `;We'll be more likely to get killed with them falling on us than anything what the Jerrys throw down,'; Hetty said.

*G16 2184 Ruby, who had said that she was safe, that lightning never struck twice, had been killed with her daughter and two of her grandsons by a direct hit on their shelter.

**H7A 1508 Two adolescent girls in New Zealand had killed with a brick the mother of one of them just because they wanted to.

**H90 1687 `;Damien was killed with a crossbow bolt and ghosts don't leave stains on the floor.

**HDH 94 Was there a lot of people killed with the bomb?

**HJ4 4654 He was killed with 16 comrades from 2 Para during the storming of Goose Green.

*HKS 2498 The violence in the state continued, however, the most notable incident being on Jan. 10 when Gobind Ram, a leading police officer accused of brutality by militant Sikhs, was killed with three other policemen by a terrorist bomb at his headquarters in Jullundur.

***HLT 20 The Washington Post of Dec. 12 reported that more than 1,150 people had already been killed with the daily death toll at around 200.

**HNJ 2734 `;Sybil was killed with a hammer?'; of course, it would have had to be something heavy to cause those dreadful injuries.

**HWS 2657 At the end of the operation, the animal was killed with additional ketamine (200 mg/kg iv) followed by a saturated KCl solution (5 ml iv).

**HWV 1740 The permanently unconscious man, who was not suffering, was killed with a lethal injection, in part because of his poor quality of life.

*HXX 866 Executions are easily exaggerated, but the Encomiast's statement that many English leaders were killed with Eadric, and that of the later Evesham chronicle that many of his soldiers died too, are quite plausible, given that he would have had powerful henchmen whom it was doubtless politic to eliminate.

**J35 173 Many seals are shot or killed with dynamite after being trapped in fishing nets.

*J56 145 When people ask me about the deeds of some of our very great airmen, and I go right throughout the war on both sides, there are shining examples brighter than anything in the constellation that come to mind; I think of Cheshire's 100 sorties and, no less important, Fraser Barron --; a little Kiwi not yet 21 with two DSOs, two DFCs and a DFM --; Pathfinder squadron commander, killed with his deputy Master Bomber on one of the interdiction targets before the Invasion, and a host of others, I can think of half-a-hundred, but I have never met anyone --; In fact I have never walked in the shadow of anyone --; braver than Buster.

**JYD 3690 The huddle of noisy stalls in the back streets were a clamour of life and colour, selling diamanté, silk ribbons, radios, clothes, dead fish sliced up on cold slabs, snakes split down the middle, innards steaming on the bloodied stone floors, live birds in cages, killed with a hammer then plucked and sold, and thousand-year-old eggs streaked black and white with gaudy orange centres.

**K1M 1584 A young jogger who was stabbed to death on his way home was killed with a knuckle-duster shaped like a knife.

**K1X 1905 The victims are thought to have been killed with a hammer several days ago.

*K3C 954 Jean, 24, was killed with her boyfriend Gary Pettitt, 25, after they disappeared from their home in Aigburth.

**K3K 742 Ian Foster, 26, was killed with a shot to the back of the head as he collected £5,000 from a town hall.

*K4T 8166 When the Romans came across in 43AD with their fancy dan armies the whole of British tradition was killed with them.

**K5M 4192 He is thought to have been killed with a high-powered long-range rifle, possibly an American-made Barrett (Light Fifty) which has a range of up to 1,800 metres and fires half-inch rounds.

**K5M 12243 A 12-YEAR-OLD girl was killed with an axe and a woman speared to death in an attack on a Cambodian village in which eight Vietnamese were killed, United Nations investigators said yesterday.

*K91 868 To a French aviator, flying sublimely over it all, the Verdun front after a rainfall resembled disgustingly the `;humid skin of a monstrous toad'; Another flyer, James McConnell, (an American, later killed with the Lafayette Squadron) noted after passing over `;redroofed Verdun'; --;; which had `;spots in it where no red shows and you know what has happened there'; --; that abruptly there is only that sinister brown belt, a strip of murdered nature.

Your query was “killed by

Here is a random selection of 50 solutions from the 685 found...

*non-human 21 **abstract idea 6 human (unmarked) 23

A03 80 Over 150 men, women and children were killed by Mali's security forces in March, after a wave of pro-democracy demonstrations and riots.

A2A 648 The flag-draped coffin of Musician Richard `;Taff'; Jones, 27, one of the 10 Royal Marines bandsmen killed by IRA bombers at Deal, Kent, being carried from the barracks church, St Michael and All Angels, after a joint funeral service for him and Musician Bob Simmonds, 34.

A34 36 Mr Georgiadis said much of Mr Makallah's evidence to the inquest had been lies --; particularly details on three important issues: Mr Makallah claimed he could not drive, yet other witnesses claimed to have been driven by him; he denied telling a camp site proprietor that Miss Ward was definitely not killed by wild animals; and he covered up how he knew her jeep did not have four-wheel drive.

*A61 828 There must have been dozens of dead animals lying around, most of them killed by shrapnel or having wandered into a minefield.

**A6B 1051 Yet sometimes, as in the English Mummers' Play, `;it is the representative of the good principle that is killed by the evil, and afterwards brought back to life';.

A8X 949 The Transport Minister, Mr Robert Atkins, said: `;Christmas is a family time of year, but for some families Christmas is going to be unbearable, because a loved one has been killed by a drink-driver.';

*AAL 687 Tass confirmed the report of armoured vehicles running over students, saying demonstrators were killed by the personnel carriers.

*AB9 1612 `;She was probably killed by a blow on the head, Minister.

ABH 958 Last year the president was killed by rebels whom the Americans did not try to stop.

*AM2 519 Lying near the car park is the trunk of a massive Elm killed by Dutch Elm Disease several years ago.

**B04 936 An assessment was made of the numbers and species of animals caught and killed by cats in and around this particular village.

*CA4 872 If carried to extremes, no-one would cross the road because of the outside possibility that they might stumble and be killed by a car.

*CBF 1062 The animal bounced back to its feet only to be killed by a bus.

*CEM 1996 2 killed by wall of snow

CFH 581 Ama Phurbu had also taken part in prayers on the Barkor pilgrimage path in 1989 in central Lhasa in memory of demonstrators killed by police.

*CGH 2525 It has been said, with some truth, that more fish are killed by cures than diseases.

CH2 11328 And a grieving father whose son was killed by the `;wicked'; driving of ex-Army boxer Shaun Gooch said: `;Five children died because of him.

CH2 12470 The uncle of 12-year-old Adele Thompson --; killed by a joyrider in Toxteth, Liverpool --; hit out: `;He wouldn't have said it if he had been through the heartache we have suffered.';

CH5 3169 YOU get some funny things in newspapers these days, but parts of bodies killed by a Hannibal Lecter-style serial killer is a bit much.

*CH6 6994 Six babies were killed by an unidentified bug at London's Brompton Hospital 2 1/2 years ago.

**EFF 1697 Of these, five were killed by coyotes, which catch ferrets in the open, and one was dug out and killed by a badger.

**FAJ 1001 In the few weeks that have gone by a boy from the village has been killed by an elephant.

FBH 787 Members of HEAD were killed by the military during the Marcos years indicating clearly that HEAD was seen to be challenging what was an intolerable situation.

FS8 568 `;Susan was killed by a maniac.

**FSK 239 `;Was the king killed by a sheep, or by a clock?'; asked the bigger girl.

**FYX 1817 It would have been selected for on the basis of our ability to kill certain animals for food and to avoid being killed by other animals.

G3E 969 Suddenly she remembered being told that he had lost an only daughter, killed by a hit-and-run driver, and she wished the words unsaid.

*GUA 548 Partly carrion feeders and in S Europe frequent motor roads to feed on animals killed by traffic.

GXK 925 Are we to be killed by the Cubans or the Russians?';

*H86 3201 `;Nothing much… just that she was killed by the bomb.';

*HH3 2847 Answer: A few cents for the new bulb plus --; the odd tree killed by acid rain; a small rise in global temperatures from carbon dioxide emissions; a proportion of the ecological disasters caused by marine oil spillages; and the occasional nuclear accident.

HH3 13554 A 16-year-old girl works herself into a frenzy of grief for a friend killed by right-wing vigilantes.


HKT 219 Four blacks were killed by police at Rammulotsi near Viljoenskroon in the Orange Free State on April 19, and on the previous day de Klerk announced an inquiry into the deaths of 11 people at a rent protest demonstration in Sebokeng, near Johannesburg, in March [p. 37305].

HKU 2737 A bomb on May 1 destroyed a newly unveiled monument in Volta Redonda, approximately 100 km north-west of Rio de Janeiro, to three steelworkers who had been killed by the Army during a strike in November 1988 [see p. 36553].

*HL8 781 Using data supplied by local police forces and government ministries, the report stated that (i) 4,611 children and adolescents had died from violence over the previous three years, more than 50 per cent of them shot and the rest killed by stabbing, beating, poisoning or strangling; (ii) young girls were raped and many had died from clandestine abortions after becoming prostitutes; (iii) children were exploited from the age of three by professional beggars, from the age of six by drug traffickers and, if they survived, ended up in armed groups used by criminal gangs and even the police; (iv) the abuse of drugs and solvents was common among street children; (v) an estimated 3,000 children were illegally adopted annually by foreigners, 50 per cent going to Italy and 30 per cent to France, who paid up to US$20,000 for a white child; and (vi) 25,000,000 out of 45,000,000 children were chronically underfed, 30 per cent lived in poverty and 10,000 were child workers.

*HLA 2310 The death toll of 15,000-30,000 Kurdish and other refugees, and 4,000-16,000 Iraqis killed by disease and starvation since the war, was believed to have risen by a further 30,000 between the completion of the report and its publication.

HLK 16 In some cases looters were killed by shop-owners intent upon defending their properties.

HLN 1525 The name was taken from the date in 1991 on which 14 people were killed by Soviet troops during the crisis over Lithuania's demands for independence from the USSR [see pp. 37944-45].

HNJ 2883 `;Inspector Clarke seems to think Sybil was killed by a walk-in thief.

*HU3 815 At 14 months, all rate were killed by exsanguination under general anaesthesia and after fasting for 15 hours.

J13 3289 I'll tell them a geezer is lying there, and he was killed by you.';

*J3J 806 Four of the Shetlands' 100 otters --; one of the densest populations in Europe --; were found dead, but two had been killed by road vehicles and the deaths of the others were not attributed to pollution.

*K1M 391 The families of the nine British soldiers killed by an American missile in the Gulf War wanted to know why the pilots responsible weren't going to give evidence.

*K21 3353 Most people who die in fires are killed by smoke, not burns.

*K52 1674 But within weeks he was killed by shellfire while he was at rest at Cambrai, France, during the first major tank battle in history.

*K5D 3758 A NAVAL mechanic employed at Rosyth was killed by a car on Monday after walking along the M8 motorway near the Livingston Interchange.

K5L 1896 My 16-year-old son, Louis, was killed by a drunk driver on 13 July, 1992.

K8T 166 The woman who was selling the magnificent object told me that it was only a month old and her old man, who had been killed by the Huns, had paid three quid for it: she wasn't going to let it go for anything less.

KDA 7490 Thirteen, thirteen supposedly are innocent Irish got killed by para's by militaries included in the crowd, and all the other's, the Irish say that basically there were no I R A gunmen there which is according to there's proof that they have, they were, erm and like that, the para .

Your query was

“known to”
***abstract 2   **make known 5   *to+v 23 
a group of humans(unmarked) 20

Here is a random selection of 50 solutions from the 3047 found...

A0K 794 As John Stalker (1988) pointed out when he retired from the service, he had made the transition and had joined that group of persons pejoratively known to the police as `;civilians';.

*A7D 845 They will also eat birds' eggs, hen and duck eggs, slugs, millipedes, earwigs, small mammals and birds, and have even been known to attack adult hens and pheasants.

**ACS 981 Then, waving aloft a sheaf of papers, he uttered the famous lie that was to catapult him into the limelight for four years: `;I have here in my hand a list of 205 names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department.';

AHG 347 MY LORD JOHN by Georgette Heyer Arrow, £4.99 AT THE time of her death, Georgette Heyer was working on a large-scale historical sequence based on the character of John, Duke of Bedford, third son of Henry IV, and known to us primarily as the goody-goody prince of Shakespeare's Henry IV.

AP8 157 This gallery is probably the best known to the general public; standing back from the Ambleside-Coniston road, it is easily seen.

ARX 166 The overall loss of reading time, and even the loss of the reading habit as it was known to earlier generations, should not be underestimated.

*ASR 378 The largest of them, Krakatoa, was known to be about nine kilometres across from north to south and the British Admiralty charts showed it to consist of several volcanic cones arranged roughly in a line.

*ASR 463 Very few people are known to have been killed directly by the explosions, great though they were, but no less than 36,000 died when the tsunamis ripped over low-lying areas all along the coasts, overwhelming towns and villages.

B09 1190 It was intended to represent the concept of a tram in 2937, but its unfortunate shape resembled more closely a cottage-loaf, by which it became known to the crews.

*B73 604 The only other iron meteorite known to contain diamonds, also in clumps with lonsdaleite, is Canon Diabolo, a huge mass of metal which shattered into hundreds of shrapnel-like fragments during the impact at enormous velocity and which excavated the I.2-km diameter Meteor Crater in northern Arizona.

*BMK 2231 The nutrient value of foods is known to be affected by higher doses, Sherlock added, although the loss is not much different from other preservation process.

***C95 717 A.agassizii has been known to science for over 100 years, having been described by Steindachner in 1875.

**CD2 567 `;I must make you known to Miss Emily Groundwater, who like yourself is a stranger from England,'; said Kate, after they had exchanged pleasantries and Paul had identified himself.

*CE9 830 As was common with branch lines, engines of an older and secondary nature would be used; thus, Sturrocks 0 --; 6 --; 0 tender engines were known to operate on the goods and sometimes the passenger trains.

CEU 3825 The humans below tried shining coloured lights at it, and playing tunes at it, and eventually just speaking to it in every language known to humans.

*CFE 585 Physical abuse is not known to be extensive and it may be felt that it has been excessively discussed in the context of `;dependence and independence';.

CH7 778 That Clenbuterol, the stimulating steroid that got three Brits sent home, is known to its devotees as Dopers Delight.

CN2 677 After joining the AIB in July 1955 and doing my first investigation on an Auster that had ditched in the Bristol Channel in August of that year, I was sent out to Tripoli, Libya in September 1955 to assist Penny Garnons-Williams (known to many in the aviation industry as Garney Bill) to investigate an accident to a BOAC Argonaut that had crashed at Castel Benito in a sand storm.

*EBV 2182 This is known to be German fertiliser manufacturer Hermann Schnabel, whose consignment of fourteen paintings included the cover lot, `;La Loge'; by Renoir.

*EC7 1805 It tends to present in elderly people, who may not be known to be diabetic.

**ECT 1365 These men tend to be more confident that they can make their desires known to their partners, whereas those who didn't enjoy their introduction to sex are among the most likely to say that they can't express what they want.

*EV6 1552 On the other hand, with both unique and repetitive sequences, if they are known to map to a certain chromosome, it may be possible to locate them approximately using unbanded marker chromosomes to identify that chromosome.

EW8 1637 The sexual and familial aspects of short-term cohabitation are only too well known to most social workers.

FAG 1200 They were known to the Romans, but no one afterwards used them until the Dover Road was given mile-marks in 1663.

*FB4 196 It was more a trickle than a flood, for peaceful homesteads could be successfully built only where there was relative security, and where there were known to be agriculturally suitable regions.

FNX 1161 `;Sting';, as Sumner was better known to the record-buying public, had been signed to Virgin music publishing as a complete unknown in 1976.

***FSU 743 Some of the poems were written down and became known to the outside world before the end of the eighteenth century.

**FTE 1051 Indeed, the E.coli rrnB and rrnD P 1 promoters for rRNAs are known to be salt-sensitive, being necessary not only the initiating NTPs but also low salt concentrations to obtain a stable complex in linear templates (8).

FXT 943 The group were approached by two males who were not known to them, and the female was asked to enter the tent, and both youths took turns in entering the tent, where a serious sexual assault took place on the female.

*G1E 1164 Such changes are ephemeral, readily reversible and not known to effect the genome.

*GTB 1052 Long thought to be a mystery, Coade stone is now known to be a ceramic body, and the British Museum research laboratory's analysis in 1985 showed that it was a form of stoneware so resistant to the weather that it is as precise today as when it was originally made.

*GU7 1065 Apparatus known to have been used by a particular scientist, and collections of apparatus by the same maker, are particularly instructive.

*GUC 1731 If the interviewer is closely identified with some head-office group that is known to be contemplating a change that organization participants consider undesirable, he will need considerable skill to tell just how strongly particular schemas are held.

GVA 42 The component labelled logogen system is a collection of logogens, one logogen for each word known to the person whose logogen system this is.

H89 2012 Sheikh Abu Abdullah Muhammed ibn Abdallah ibn Muhammed ibn Ibrahim al-Lawati, known to his friends by the diminutive Ibn Battuta, had left his birthplace of Tangier in the early June of 1325.

*HC7 35 In the small nursery class, contact was frequent and speaking face-to-face was preferred, so they held a special coffee morning for parents and families (with a creche provided, since baby-minding was known to be a problem).

HRT 260 Although she is not pictured, will be known to many throughout the Group from her previous job at Ipswich working for and subsequent move to the region centre.

HTF 1587 The primary value of privatizing marketable services and contracting out some of the inputs to the production of non-marketable services is to reduce the monopoly power of bureaus and review committees and provide services at a price known to the representatives of middle-demand groups.

*HU4 5117 Indomethacin, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), is known to induce erosions and ulcers in the gastrointetinal tract.

*HWS 3219 Firstly, patients with sporadic adenomatous colorectal polyps are known to have a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer, but the possible modulation of this risk by hereditary or environmental factors will naturally vary from subject to subject.

*HWU 575 Based upon previous sputum bacteriology results, at the time of selection camp the only patient from Manchester or Edinburgh known to have the epidemic strain of P cepacia was patient E7.

HXD 1628 The test is laid out in section 11 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 which requires that the term be: fair and reasonable… having regard to the circumstances which were, or ought reasonably to have been, known to or in the contemplation of the parties when the contract was made.

*HXX 1444 Ælfheah's cult may therefore have presented him with considerable problems, and it is unlikely to be coincidence that the bishopric of London is known to have suffered at his hands.

*HY0 1013 She is not known to have been involved in any way.

JXL 86 British domination of Egypt was set up by Sir Evelyn Baring (soon to be Lord Cromer and known to his subordinates as" the Lord").

K1F 2599 Getting an Open University degree is the toughest way of doing it known to man

**K1M 3818 They've made their views known to the pastor, who's also chairman of the playgroup.

*K55 1478 The identity of those at the centre of the row remains a closely guarded secret, but council officers are known to have spoken with management from Wiltshier Northern, the company that built the complex.

K5F 892 When she was not travelling round the world, Miss Hayes lived at Nyack or spent time with her adopted son, James, who became known to television viewers as detective Dan Williams on the series Hawaii Five-O.

*K5P 640 Indeed, at least two examples of inherited syndromes with developmental defects are known to involve mutations in ZNF genes: GLI3 in Greig cephalopolydactyly syndrome (11) and WT1 in Denys-Drash syndrome (12).

Your query was “known as

# reputation 9 * giving name 41

Here is a random selection of 50 solutions from the 6828 found...

*A29 11 Known as FJ Gutmann in the 1930s, he anglicised his name to Goodman for the war years, serving in the ranks as a soldier before becoming attached to the Royal Air Force's Photographic Interpretation Unit at Medmenham by the war's end.

#A6S 438 After The Communist Manifesto , the next elaboration of the overall evolutionary scheme of the history of pre-capitalist society comes in preliminary works by Marx, usually known as Grundrisse , written in 1858, ten years after The Manifesto .

#A7H 1478 The effect was explosive, and deeply embarrassing to the government's position, which for years had been obstructive --; to such an extent that Britain had long been known as `;The Dirty Man of Europe';.

*AB4 358 A HUNCHBACK, John Dutton of Sherborne, known as `;crump';, built beautiful Lodge Park.

*ADM 1650 Donegal Town square, I discovered, was known as the Diamond.

#AE8 148 In January 1915 a shell struck the base of the dome, toppling the fifteen-foot-high statue which hung horizontally above the town until 1918, becoming known as The Leaning Virgin.

#AE8 414 From his father he had inherited the leadership of that association of Protestant princes known as the Party of the German Liberties.

*ALL 240 `;Thanks, Georgie,'; His Grace the Duke, otherwise known as Everard Bean, pouted and drew himself erect.

*AMS 388 In practice, however, the molecules tend to break apart: one of the Hs, carrying a positive electric charge, becomes detached from the remaining OH, which is then known as a hydroxyl radical, and carries a negative electric charge.

*AR8 761 Stirling himself was driving a hybrid vehicle that he had obtained in Cairo which became known as the `;Blitz Buggy';.

*ARS 1427 A tougher variety known as `;hardy green turnips'; are generally sown with rape for autumn and winter grazing.

*B0Y 2790 the desolate home of Miss Havisham for which CD's original was the picturesque old Elizabethan mansion in Rochester known as Restoration House in honour of the Restoration of Charles II in 1660, the king having lodged there for one night en route for London.

#BPJ 14 Westmount York was extensively remodelled by Walter Brierley who was known as `;the Lutyens of the North';.

*C87 561 LTK is a vertically scrolling shoot em up following 007's attempt to capture the drug dealer known as Sanchez.

*C9V 149 The physical link between the two sides of the brain, known as the corpus callosum , has the ability to transfer information from one side to the other, so that the two aspects of mental function should not operate in isolation, but potentially have the capacity for interaction and interplay.

#CBC 11943 Clerics became known as `;men of the cloth'; because many types of cloth and weave were once kept strictly for ecclesiastical vestments.

#CBG 1765 Livingston, known as Baby Ben for his admiration of the self-confessed drug-taker Ben Johnson, said: `;I suppose you could say that's the end of my life.

*CBY 3442 One form about which there has been plenty of discussion is the Supplementary Statistical Document, known as the intrastat.

*CH3 588 He missed the European Championship finals in June after suffering pains in both legs, a complaint commonly known as `;shin splints';.

*CKA 895 When Neil Jenkins was asked after his side's quarter-final victory over Cardiff High School Old Boys (also known as Cardiff Harlequins), which club he would like to see Pontypridd avoid in the semi-finals, he replied that he would like to miss out on Swansea and Llanelli .

*CRM 11289 Even in a large population, very few individuals may be free of any deleterious mutations; if this fittest class fails to leave descendents, it can never be recovered, and the mean fitness of the population will decline irreversibly, in a process known as `;Muller's ratchet';.

*CS5 587 On balance the trading aspects of what came to be known as the Old Colonial System probably favoured England more than the colonies, though the colonial monopoly of English markets was a substantial counterweight to English monopoly of colonial trade.

*EF2 310 Poor students at the university were long known as `;mealie students'; because they took a sack of meal and salt lumps with them and had to make it last all term.

*EW8 184 In the male, the equivalent chromosome may be of the same type --; an X chromosome --; or it may be roughly the shape of the letter Y, in which case it is known as a Y chromosome.

*FA3 172 This change erodes the distinction between university and what were previously known as `;public sector'; institutions, and may blur what Burgess (1977, pp. 2332) has argued is a contrast between the `;autonomous'; (university) and `;service'; (polytechnic/ college) traditions.

*FCR 210 The next portion, now known as Chatham Maritime, was made over to English Industrial Estates Corporation.

*G2K 1009 When buying or selling your home, the one certainty is that you will have to go through the legal process commonly known as conveyancing.

*G3K 694 The allowance, in terms of degrees, is known as the Angle of Lead.

#GT6 322 By an extended tour in 1780-;2 he had become known as a pianist in Paris, Strasburg, Munich, and Vienna, and in 1802 he was enthusiastically received in St Petersburg.

*GTA 1359 Jebb favoured a system of alliance or partnership between Britain and what came to be known as the dominions: he approved of separate dominion navies in co-operation with the Royal Navy; he wanted tariff reform and imperial preference as means of binding the dominions more closely; and he wanted the imperial conference turned into a continuous body handling large defence and economic questions.

*GTC 912 It was less than half a gram, and was the first solid polymer of ethylene ever made --; to be known as polythene.

*GYU 273 it was er now it was, now at the start of the new town er present East Kilbride a new town, it was known as a new town and it was just starting to build up.

*H0Y 2559 Rules which allow for a single symbol at a time to be written or replaced by another symbol or string of symbols (eg T, N) are known as" phrase-structures rules'.

*H8D 1419 This new system, now known as the Local Management of Schools (LMS), began to operate on 1 April 1990, and is planned to be completely in operation by April 1993.

#HJ4 4174 The technique of joining the pre-cast concrete boxes, known as `;match cast glued segmental construction'; is at the forefront of tech has ever been tried in Ireland.

*HJ4 8828 The third man who escaped last night was John, known as Joe, Steele (31), who is serving a life sentence for murder for his part in Glasgow's ice-cream wars in which a family of six, including an 18-month-old baby, were killed in a petrol bomb attack.

*HLF 777 Gotti, whose sartorial taste had led him to be widely known as the" Dapper Don", was charged by federal prosecutors with five murders, extortion, illegal gambling and obstruction of justice.

*HS2 462 There is a type of frog which is known as a Tree Frog, and there are Biologists that are very interested in why tree frogs do not fall off impossibly steep gradiants.

*HSE 24 This is also known as a SWOT analysis.

*HU2 7072 Healthy adults exhibit an increase in colon motility beginning 20 to 40 minutes after a meal, known as the gastrocolonic response.

*HWF 6824 These identities are known as the `;mapped user names';.

*HX9 1922 This method, which is commonly known as staged search , does affect the admissibility of the algorithm.

*HXT 853 Funding allocations to regions, and from them to districts, basically followed a need-based formula (known as the Resource Allocation Working Party formula or RAWP) adjusted for factors like teaching and research, funding for regional specialities and cross-boundary flows.

*HXU 7 There he presided over the expansion of his French National Committee into a new, more broadly based provisional government known as the French Committee of National Liberation (CFLN --; Comité Français de Libération Nationale).

*J3K 70 Under a provision of US fishing law known as the Pelly Amendment, the President can now impose trade sanctions against Norway for its defiance of the IWC moratorium on whaling.

*J6T 785 If it is not included, cl 3.2 becomes what is known as a" revolving warranty", with the effect that each time the goods are replaced or repaired, the new or repaired goods enjoy another warranty for the whole of the period in cl 9.1.1.

*J8K 195 The channels are antagonized by a compound known as alphabungarotoxin which is obtained from sna snake velom, venom.

*K23 2277 Most of the trouble is at a children's play area known as the Fort.

*K2F 1288 Lough Lannagh is made up of a series of lakes containing deep holes and is known as a dangerous area for swimming.

*K52 159 Afterwards in the Shoulder of Mutton (Kneeton Park 1 Knayton 1) it transpired that he's in what used to be known as Tin Pan Alley probably the only manager in the Hambleton Combination (third division) who's also been a manager of the Bay City Rollers.

Your query was “known by

*passive voice “by”17 **unrelated “known”and “by” 2 based on sb./sth(unmarked). 31

Here is a random selection of 50 solutions from the 278 found...

*A06 2406 It is the most important medium for getting known by the general public and affecting the attitude of employers but the theatre is still the best place for learning your trade.

A6W 1469 So into the garage the car went to have the seats changed --; under warranty, of course --; and the `;bad'; pair couriered to Courtaulds for full forensic examination, results of which will be known by the next Running Report.

ALV 1961 Did you know that almost all modern dentures are made by polymerising methyl methacrylate? the name is a bit of a mouthful (if you'll excuse the pun), and is better known by the acronym MMA.

AMG 323 Mind… is known by its functions.

AN4 178 The identity of this woman is known by a remarkable coincidence.

*ANX 436 `;There is no particular guidance on this problem because it should be well known by the industries that use [the gas],'; said a spokesman last week.

ASD 1715 Instead, she will let her feelings be known by (a) putting your best white shirt in the wash with a leaky indigo sweater, or (b) almost but not quite removing baby puke from the sitting-room carpet.

ASR 379 At the southern end of the line was a particularly prominent, fresh-looking cone, 798 metres high, known by its Javanese name of Rakata.

*B08 2041 It had to be known by employees to do their jobs and was widely known by relatively junior members of staff.

*C9A 831 Dinosaurs, too, walked on tip-toe (i.e. they are known by paleontologists as being digitigrade) whereas sprawlers pad along on their soles.

C9B 146 Perfect or absolute Truth, which is known by faith, is beyond our empirical grasp which means that we must act in the knowledge that we are holding on to such truth as we are able to apprehend in this world.

C9R 1142 Relations --; including the nicknames they are known by in the family.

CCC 220 These new arrangements of the non jury courts and the Detention Appeal Tribunal were based on the recommendations of an inquiry chaired by Lord Diplock and are known by his name.

*CD3 159 How they were used is not generally agreed upon, for, whilst the obverse of some of these cards --; `;shopkeepers' bills'; as they were known by the eighteenth-century tradesmen --; were sometimes utilized as an invoice to the purchaser, the majority surviving in public and private collections were not.

*CD4 114 Jewish and Muslim mystics also emphasised the transcendence of the God who would never be known by the human soul in its entirety --; even in the next world.

*CEN 5322 Dr Al-Habobi, who wore the uniform of a brigadier at Ba-ath Party headquarters in the Iraqi capital, was known by British and American intelligence throughout the late Eighties as instrumental in the race for the bomb.

CGL 1083 Poor old Pengam Moors , the one-time Cardiff Airport which was originally known by the curious name of Splott, is also extinct and remembered only by a pub called The Old Airport .

CGV 1191 It is also often known by the name `;birds-eye'; jacquard on some other types of knitting machine.

**CJH 580 The peak best known by sight is Fuar Tholl, in view from the Kyle-Dingwall railway at its base, where it towers threateningly over the line.

CK1 979 If therefore, `;I'; cannot be known by description, it must be known by acquaintance, and I must be aware of it.

CK1 979 If therefore, `;I'; cannot be known by description, it must be known by acquaintance, and I must be aware of it.

CK1 980 What would it be for `;I'; to be known by description?

CK1 1007 Now if `;I can only be known by description, and the only description which is true of it is `;that group of mental states, caused by the same living body'; of which the envy and my judgement are members', it follows that anyone who does not describe `;I'; in that way, will not know what `;I'; means, and so will mean nothing when he says `;I was envious yesterday';.

CKV 44 A prototype module of the barrier, known by the apt acronym M.O.S.E., was in position for tests up to a few months ago.

*CM0 778 They become known by the headhunters as a likely place in which to find appropriate candidates for other searches.

ECN 1242 These territories are known by the generic term Ends and each ground has a distinctive name for its End.

EDD 323 The approach became known by the term coined by Carr in the quotation: Realism.

*EW9 1451 By the nature of her role she was not known by very many of the boys, but those who did come into contact with her had no trouble in recognising both a first-rate musician and a first-rate teacher.

EX0 516 It is perhaps for these entirely practical reasons that each approximate size and shape of rug is known by a specific name which usually relates either to its traditional position on the floor or the purpose for which is was made.

F9Y 308 Originally without a generic title, this serial has eventually become known by four names: `;The Spaceship';, `;Inside The Spaceship';, `;Beyond The Sun'; (a hangover from the retitling of Malcolm Hulke's story `;The Hidden Planet';) and `;The Edge of Destruction';.

FB4 656 A similar way of life was followed by the Turkic-speaking peoples of the Sayan mountains known by two variants of the same clan name as Tuva and Tubalar (or Tofalar).

*GT9 424 Although hailed by the leaders of the Catholic revival as their patron, `;the good Earl John'; (as he was known by them) retained something of the recusant Catholic families' suspicion of `;enthusiasm';, religious fervour, and triumphalism.

*GTH 739 The two partners, so different in character that they were respectively known by their employees as `;Oil'; (Bridge) and `;Vinegar';, worked tirelessly to place the business at the forefront of their trade.

*GUG 3303 The defeat of Kan Ying --; Domitian as he was known by his own people --; had let the Han into Europe.

GV7 877 The evil thing that came into my house that night --; as Jekyll told me --; was known by the name of Hyde, and was wanted by the police for the murder of Sir Danvers Carew.

GVY 1634 In the United States, the various railway companies were known by the products which supplied the freight profits which underpinned the passenger business and therefore the stations.

H0B 1063 The 17th Century Wide Work or New Work is separated from the White Work (known by this time as the Deep or Old Mine) by a steeply inclined bed of well cleaved ashes and tuffs which, in places, have been found suitable for roofing slate.

H78 741 This result became known by the maxim:" A black hole has no hair."

H8D 117 The reports are usually best known by the name of the committee's chairperson --; `;The Plowden Report';, `;The Warnock Report'; and so on.

HC4 275 In her 20 year career, Louise has been known by both her single and married names so needs to continue using both.

HH3 10443 Founded in 1980, the ILD, as it is known by its Spanish acronyms, has proposed better ways for the government and the informals to iron out their problems.

*HJ5 6683 The term `;Information'; does not include any information which (i) is generally available to and known by the public (other than as a result of its disclosure by you or your Representatives), (ii) was available to you on a non-confidential basis from a source other than KPMG Peat Marwick, the management and employees of the Company, or the Vendors or their professional advisers, or (iii) has been independently acquired or developed by you without breaching any of your obligations under this Agreement.

HL3 2245 Salah Khalaf, known by his nom de guerre of Abu Iyad, was considered to be PLO chairman Yassir Arafat's closest and most influential aide, while Hayil Abd al-Hamid (Abu al-Hol) was the PLO's chief of security; the third man who died was Fakhri al-Umari (Abu Muhammad), an aide to Abu Iyad.

*HTC 108 An earlier instruction to staff forbidding further publicity meant that little was known by press or public about this exhibition The art world condemned the decision as excessively cautious, suggesting an embarrassment about the subject of death which people never felt in previous centuries.

HXX 1115 Adam of Bremen states that Cnut's sister Margaret (usually known by her other name, Estrith) married Duke Richard, who repudiated her, and set off on pilgrimage to Jerusalem to escape Cnut's wrath.

*JYL 662 Erm I the actual income and expenditure of a project of the project will probably not be known by the person carrying out the short-term programme.

*K54 2790 He added Mr Lear, of Gilling Road, Richmond, was known by everyone as `;a lovely person and a gentleman at all times';.

K9J 839 The use of polyethylene terephthalate on a commercial scale for bottles --; by a process known by the clumsy name of injection stretch blow moulding --; began in the USA in 1977, and by 1979, when ICI in Europe took up the development, American consumption had risen to 140 kta.

*KRL 1076 For the international people there are civil laws, by which they companies have to provide what we call indemnities for the person who works and these indemnities go according to certain formulas, which is known by everybody, and it's in a way protecting them after they leave.

**KRM 669 Whether the hotel is spared from bulldozers should be known by Wednesday.

